According to a 25-page secret document, a copy of which was obtained by the newspaper, “The attack could also work as a spark for people living or staying in Germany who are predisposed to such acts.” However, German security agents have no “concrete intelligence or evidence” that any attack is in preparation. Many European countries are on high alert, boosting security measures in the wake of last week’s deadly terror attacks in Paris. Denmark, Norway and Germany have already detected various threats. Thus many European countries are on high alert, boosting security measures in the wake of last week’s deadly terror attacks in Paris. Denmark, Norway and Germany have already detected various threats.
On Tuesday, a controversial mosque in Denmark’s Aarhus has requested the police assistance in the grim atmosphere of various threats and the aftermath of the recent tragedy in Paris.
“They don’t feel threatened and they don’t want to press charges but they have pointed out that people are talking about them in a very, very ugly way and we are following the situation,” Commissioner Allan Aarslev told Metroxpress.
In a recent documentary aired on local TV the leadership of the Grimhøj Mosque leadership claimed “We want the Islamic State to come out on top. We want an Islamic state in the world,” according to The Local.
Norway’s TV2 reported on Friday that Norwegian security officers were investigating a terror threat against two Scandinavian countries, that was previously posted on a French website.
“We are aware of the threat and are now working on trying to clear up whether it is real,” Siv Alsén, a spokesperson for the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) told Norway’s TV2.
According to The Local, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) said it could neither confirm nor deny the reported French threat.Media agencies