- PM congratulates Saina Nehwal on becoming World No. 1
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today congratulated badminton player, Ms Saina Nehwal on becoming the World Number 1.
"The phenomenal accomplishments of Saina Nehwal make us very proud. I congratulate her on being the World Number 1," the Prime Minister said.Congratulations to Saina Nehwal on becoming the first Indian woman to be the World Number 1. Well done and keep smashing them on! A true role model for aspiring sports persons in the country - Launch of satellite IRNSS-1D is yet another manifestation of the exemplary efforts & utmost brilliance of our scientists. Congrats to them.0
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- Launch of satellite IRNSS-1D is yet another manifestation of the exemplary efforts & utmost brilliance of our scientists. Congrats to them.0
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- Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi visited Reibareili today. She paid condolences to members of the families of the victims who died in the recent Train accident in Reibareili and assure all possible help to the bereaved families.0
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- राम नवमी शोभा यात्रा की तैयारियां पूरीराम लीला मैदान से शनिवार एक बजे से निकलेगी भव्य यात्रानई दिल्ली। मार्च 27, 2015। राम नवमी की विशाल शोभा यात्रा की तैयारियां पूरी कर लो गईं हैं। शनिवार दिनांक 28/03/15 को दोपहर 1 बजे से दिल्ली के आसफ़अली रोड स्थित राम लीला मैदान से दरियागंज चांदनी चौक सदर बाजार होते हुए गंगेश्वर धाम करोल बाग तक निकाली जाने बाली लगभग 10 किमी लंबी यात्रा के संपूर्णमार्ग को विशेष रूप से सजाए जाने की बृहद योजना बनाई गई है। हिंदू पर्व समन्वय समिति के महामंत्री श्री रामपाल सिंह यादव ने बताया कि यात्रा को विश्व हिंदू परिषद के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कार्याध्यक्ष डॉ प्रवीण भाई तोगड़िया भगवा झंडी दिखाकर इस यात्रा का शुभारंभ करेंगे तथा दिल्ली के अनेक गणमान्य अतिथि, पूज्य संत व राम भक्त उद्घाटन मंच को सुशोभित करेंगे। सामाजिक समरसता की झांकी, महिला सशक्तिकरण की अनूठी पहचान – दुर्गा वाहिनी की घुड़सवार टोली तथा बजरंग दल का शौर्य प्रदर्शन इस बार आकर्षण का केंद्र रहेगा।इन्द्रप्रस्थ विश्व हिन्दू परिषद दिल्ली के तत्वावधान में हिन्दू पर्व समन्वय समिति द्वारा निकाली जाने वाली इस यात्रा की जानकारी देते हुए विहिप दिल्ली केप्रवक्ता श्री विनोद बंसल ने बताया कि विहिप की स्वर्ण जयंती वर्ष के अवसर पर निकलने वाली इस बार की शोभा यात्रा अनुपम होगी। दिल्ली भर में इस संदर्भ में बैठकों का दौर जारी है। राजधानी के लगभग सभी मंदिरों से संपर्क साधकर कम से कम एक-एक झाँकी और 21 राम भक्तों की शोभा यात्र में न्यूनतम सहभागिता सुनिश्चित करने हेतु निवेदन किया गया है। एक ओर जहाँ योग और हवन करते हुए भक्तों की झाँकी होगी तो वहीं दूसरी ओर वंदे मातरम् व स्वच्छ भारत को दर्शाते हुए झाँकी होगी। संतों की अगुवाई में निकाली जाने वाली शोभायात्रा में इस बार बौद्ध भिक्षु व लांबा भी शामिल होंगे। यात्रा के पूरे मार्ग में रंगोली, 120 स्वागत द्वार, देश की सांस्कृतिक विरासत को दर्शाते हुए 5 विशाल मंच, विद्यालय के छात्रों की प्रस्तुतियों के साथ महिला सशक्तिकरण की अनूठी पहचान – दुर्गा वाहिनी की घुड़सवार टोली तथा बजरंग दल का शौर्य प्रदर्शन इस बार आकर्षण का केंद्र रहेगा। दिल्ली के मेयर श्री योगेंद्र चंदोलिया सहित अनेक धार्मिक, सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक व सांस्कृतिक संगठनों के वरिष्ठ पदाधिकारी शोभा यात्रा में भाग लेंगे।भवदीयविनोद बंसल,प्रवक्ताविश्व हिंदू परिषद, दिल्लीमो : 98109491090
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- BREAKING: Yogendra Yadav, Prashant Bhushan dropped from National Executive of Aam Aadmi Party http://goo.gl/0uSj7Z0
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Press ReleaseFor Immediate PublicationRongali – Celebrating the essence of AssamBeing held for the first time, the three-day festival salutes the eclectic cultural mosaic of Assam- -Aims at attracting Tourism & Investment to the state-Attempts to build bridges amongst various tribes and communities of the stateNew Delhi - March 27, 2015: With an aim to position Assam as a tourism destination, showcasing its ethnic culture and unmatched beauty, Rongali – Celebrating the essence of Assam is being held at Guwahati from 3rd to 5thApril, 2015. The festival would highlight the rich culture of the state and the tourism opportunity that Assam presents.“Rongali” is an attempt to showcase Assam and its cultural mosaic, the rich history with its present structure of diverse social structure, and to make the state a destination of importance and attraction. Rongali would illustrate the entire essence of the state including its cultural history, its icons, handloom, music, dance, magic, handicrafts, and the age-old harmony of various tribes and communities.Rongali is being organised from 3rd to 5thApril, 2015 at Veterinary Ground, Khanapara, Guwahati. Rongaliwould include the lifestyles, food habits of various tribes to be presented by various councils, the rich history of Assam from the days of BhaskarBurman, Su KaPha, SankaradevauptoBhupenHazarika, its rich traditional handloom & handicrafts, delicious Assamese cuisines along withother North Eastern fare. Colourful dance forms of the State, Ram Vijay Bhaonaby SangeetNatakAkademi, Tea exhibition, Magic from Mayong, Mask Making from Sibsagar, traditionalgohona(jewelry) of Nagaon etc.would be on display as well. Around 50 dance forms would be performed at Rongali too.Famous Assamese innovator UdhabBharali would present unique innovation by Assamese innovators and the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship would present successful Assamese enterprises. Apart from that unique eco-tourism projects will be on display as will be the traditional sports of Assam. A display of Assamese literature by legendary writers of the State and the upcoming authors would be on offer as well.The festival would include evenings of some amazing cultural performanceswith some of Assam’s top singers and performers like ZubeenGarg, Papon, SimantaSekhar, PriyankaBharali, Manas Robin, TarulotaKutum, North East Breeze, Joshua Queah, Moo & the Shootings Stars. India’s top rock band Indian Ocean and heavy metal band Girish& the Chronicles would also perform, in what promises to three days filled with fun and frolic. Two fashion shows on 4th and 5th April would present the best of Assamese designers and fabric.Several reputed tour operators across India and tourists are expected to visit during Rongali and witness the colourfulcanvas painted by the festival. Rongali is organised by reputed socio-cultural trust of Assam Trend MMS in association with Hotel & Restaurants Associaiton of Assam, Assam Tourism, Deptt of Cultural Affairs, Govt of Assam, and Ministry of Youth Affairs, Govt of India.A roundtable discussion in association with Guwahati Universityis being organisedon 4thApril, 2015. The theme of the discussion will be “Development Agenda of Assam” and 25 top personalities from various fields – economy, politics, sports, culture, academics, business, media etc.would deliberate on the agenda to be developed for the future of Assam. The deliberations would be documented in the form of a book and would be released later on.Mr. ShyamkanuMahanta, the Chief Organiser of Rongali said, “Our aim is to showcase Assam, thereby attract tourism and investment to the state, and also spread positivity about Assam globally. It is important to spread the message on the innumerable things that Assam has to offer and the unity among various tribes and communities. This is only possible through celebrating and amalgamating our rich culture, history and heritage.”“We would like to take the opportunity to invite friends from all over the country to come and have a firsthand experience of Assam at Rongali, and spread the word nationally about the colourful canvas that Assam presents.”Rongali – Celebrating the Essence of AssamVenue & Date: 3rd,4th,5th April, 2015, Veterinary Ground, Khanapara, GuwahatiBrief Background about Assam:Assam is a land of diverse culture, and beautiful landscape blessed with huge resources. The largest river in India Brahmpatura, World reknowned one-horned Rhino, one of the biggest river island in the world Majuli, the largest concentration of wild life sanctuaries, highest tea generating region in the world, Assam has plenty to offer. Assam is also the gateway to North East India comprising beautiful States of Meghalaya, Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram.With five national parks, two of which are designated World Natural Heritage Sites by UNESCO, and several wildlfe and bird sanctuaries, Assam is a blessed land for wildlife enthusiasts. At the heart of its mind boggling biodiveristy is the rich topography of Assam with its lush hills and valleys dissected by the majestic Brahmaputra and it';s many tributaries. Assam is home to over 180 species of mammals, including rare and endangered species like the great Indian one-horned rhinoceros, the royal Bengal tiger, the golden langur and hoolock gibbon, and a spectacular range of avifauna. The state has conserved the one-horned Indian rhinoceros from near extinction, along with the pygmy hog, tiger and various species of birds. It provides one of the last wild habitats for the Asian elephant. TheKaziranga and the Manas National Parks are designated asWorld Heritage Sites. Sal tree forests are found in the state, which as a result of rainfall looks green all year round. This rain feeds the Brahmaputra River, whose tributaries and oxbow lakes provide the region with a hydro-geomorphic and aesthetic environment.Assam is home to Kamakhya temple, one of the most powerful shrines in India, river islandMajuli is the hub of Sattriya culture initiated by MahapurushSankaradeva, the cultural icon of Assam. Sattriya dance is considered the national dance of India. Numerous tribes, colourful celebrations, rich culture of traditional handloom & handicrafts, Assam has it all. RongaliBihuis the most famous Festival of Assam; Springtime the State blooms with Festivity and colours.Programme Highlights:Rongali Exhibition would start from 1 PM on 3rdApril, 2015Way of Life of Various Communities of AssamVarious communities of Assam including Bodo, Meishing, Tea tribes, Dimasa, Karbi, Deuri, SonowalKachari, Rabhaetc would showcase the way of life, food habits, its traditional handloom & handicraft products, organic fruits & vegetables etc.History of AssamAssam a rich cultural and political history.Rongali would showcase and present Assam’s history from historic daysupto Bird of Brahmaputra BhupenHazarika.Dance performance from tribes& communities of Assam:Rongali would present colourful dance performance from various tribes and communities. Around 50 dance from mostly tribal forms like Bagrumba of Bodo, Oinitom of Meishingupto famous Bihu dance and Sattriya dance would be on display.Exhibition of Handloom & Handicraft Products:Assam is famous for its traditional handloom & handicraft products. Rongali would present best of Assam’s products like musk making, bell metal, pottery, water hyacinth products, cane and bamboo artisans/ weavers, Axomiya traditional Jewelleriesetc.Colourful cloths of Assam, designed by weavers would be on display and sale.Traditional Sports of Assam:Assam a land famous of its traditional sports.Rongali would showcase and present various traditional sports of Assam.Ethnic Assamese Foods:Rongali would display and present best of Assamese traditional foods along with Foods from other North Eastern States.AnkiaBhaonaMahapurushSrimantaSankaradeva was the father of Assamese culture. He created a unique dance drama form called AnkiaBhaona showcasing stories of Krishna and Rama. Sattriyadance which is the 8th National dance form is also showcased during Bhaona. SangeetNatak Academy would present AnkiaBhaona during Rongali.Unique Tourism Destinations of the StateRongali would showcase important tourist destinations of the State, showcase unique eco tourism projects. Wild life projects etc.B2B Session on Tour OperatorsProgramme Timings for Cultural Performance:Every Day Exhibition starts at 10 AM upto 10 PM3rdApril, 2015:Dance Carnival starts from 2 PM4 PM – Formal Inaguration. To be inaugurated by Mr. TarunGogoi, Hon’ble CM of Assam.5.30 PM- 10 PM – Cultural EveningPerformersKey Attraction: Famous Bollywood Singer from Assam AnagaragPaponMahanta.Other attractions –KarbiRockstarPhuNing Ding, Meishing queen MsTarulotaKutum, Famous performer of Tea Tribes community Mr. SajjanNayak, Bihu Expert Mr. Manas Robin etc.4thApril, 2015Dance Carnival starts from 2 PM5.30 PM – AnkiyaBhaona – Bhaona is an unique creation of MahapurushSankaradeva, considered the oldest form of Drama in India. SangeetNatak Academy, Guwahati would present AnkiaBhaona written by MahapurushSankaradeva.6.45PM – Ethnic fashion showcasing best of designs and products of North East7.45 PM – Musical evening..Key Attractions – Famous Assamese singers – SimantaSekhar, PriyankaBharali, Babu and hearthrobe of North East India, Bollywood Singer ZubeenGarg5thApril, 2015Dance Carnival would start from 2 PM5.30 PM Onwards Cultural EveningKey Attractions – Fashion show of traditional Assamese designsRock music evening:Key Performers – famous Assamese bands – Moo & the Shooting Stars, North East BreeezeIndia’s top heavy metal band The Girish& the ChroniclesIndia’s top Rock band – Indian OceanFor further media query please contact:Anuj Kumar BoruahYoung Monk CommunicationsM: +91 99583 726620Add a comment
- MEDIA SAVE THE DATE: 2 May 2015 - Speci
al UN perfo rmanc e MIRAC LE ON WHEEL S From: Manoharan <k.manoharan@unic.org> Fri, 27 Mar '15 2:26pTo: <unic.india@unic.org>Show full HeadersDear Media Colleague,Greetings from the UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan.On 2nd May 2015, the eve of the anniversary of the coming into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with NGOs The Cradle and Indian Council for UN Relations, we are hosting a performance of Miracle on Wheels. This is a totally fabulous choreography that celebrates full integration of persons with disability in social processes, one of the key aims of the UN’s global strategy on Disability.While I would like to extend to you and your spouse a personal invitation to this performance, I would also be grateful if you would circulate this information among your colleagues and their families. While some of you may have seen the performance, it can be seen again and again. And for those who haven’t, it is indeed a MUST-SEE!In response to this SAVE YOUR DATE e-mail invitation and brochure, please let us know how many invites you wish to receive to this event and the address/es to where the cards should be sent.I look forward to both your e-mail, and to greeting you at the FICCI Auditorium on 2nd May.With best regards,Mrs. Kiran Mehra-KerpelmanDirectorUnited Nations Information Centre55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110003IndiaPhone: +91 11 24623439UNIC is now on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/wqrxXl....and on Twitter: @UNICDELHI0Add a comment
Prashant Bhushan Yogendra Yadav open letter to CM of Delhi Arvind
Arvind BRO,We both forcing your name this open chiththi na Koi Sandesh likhni is. Ten days ago we ask you that you come from Bangalore, at the time of visitation was prompted for. But so far you have not. There is a lot of uncertainty in the environment. The party’s volunteer, are sitting around saying things that well-wishers Pro and this thing-dealing blows and some good news is coming. There are also concerned that mind mind party unity will remain or not. It concerns are being voiced that the closing number of the conversations in the siddhanto not being a compromise. That’s why we’re chiththi na Koi Sandesh public.After coming back from the same night your Bangalore to meet several senior fellow of aaye yogendra’s House. Then began a series of conversations that our and PRA. Kumar and PRA. Ajit was JH. We both have proposed a written conversation. Initially growing in precisely the direction the conversation. The National Coordinator post like fizul issues and charges is missing nub. When PAC has built the organization across the country consider the election out of Delhi and hear the voice of the volunteer announced so we thought finally getting the answer on those questions now that we were taken. But while internal democracy in the Party on these questions only drew solid chat so frustrating. Agreed on the principles but to say any concrete suggestion was ruled either clear or flavour.
1. we request that conforms to the State’s sense of Swaraj at the State level are. We were told that the Organization and the program could be running in petty’s case, but the country at any corner of Panchayat and municipality elections will be taken from Delhi decided to fight, and he also just PAC by.Kumar
Brother’s decision to send the Maharashtra have confirmed our suspicions.2. we demand that according to the true spirit of our movement in the past few days on charges four large pressures (two million Czech, uttamnagar alcohol seizures, law Minister’s degree and defections and try to form a Government with manipulating) the Ombudsman investigate collusion towards. The answer that everyone else is possible, but the party’s top leadership from any “sensitive” case is not even seeking on the go.
3. We suggest that democratic participation consistent with the demands of our party took the opinion of valantiyaron in every major decision the votes go, demand generates. Answers asking if that opinion, but forget to vote by volunteer, especially while choosing a candidate.
4. we have said that the party will come under his promise to accept homologous RTI. We were told that the party will make some information public, but come within the purview of RTI is not practical.
5. the fact that all your best offer by filling the EC provide the details of your property, the affidavit contained details of the party and rule of a post inviting family members as applicable. We all just assumed.
6. one of your side has raised the issue repeatedly. Yogendra was asked whether they may be exempted if they have open in Haryana. The people who worked there have ballasts yogendra atkae State will be ousted. We have not accepted since as long as internal democracy do not answer questions of our origins until such a discussion will also take part in the bargaining.We interacted with on open mind all these questions. When the Earth Reddy on these issues a proposed that our proposal was very different, so we accepted it too. But now the earth met this minimum resolution you have ruled out from scratch. Admiral Ramdas also drew the same failure.We come to understand that the purpose of the conversation was not resolving our issues we had to achieve istifa. Talking partner rotate on your behalf-to beat were repeating the same request repeatedly that we now give the istifa National Executive. The reason this is urging that it was said to be your personal, you have said that as long as we are both national Executive until you can’t work on the post of national coordinator. That you even said when we were brought out of the PAC was proposed. Proximity to your many people publicly also are saying that we will be nishkashit from the party. Overall coming off to the side of your message or give, or else the behaved gently disparaged by the istifa verses. All these not only your advisor, you are sad to hear we are very kahlava and have a setback.What we have done, Arvind brother you is so personal to us khundak Court? You have to amend the media no matter what lies are spread, but you are way good knows from the truth. We lawyers27 a post you ever date or not prompted for. We never even if you have not tried to overthrow. Does not suit jinan here but you know that we both help each delicate turn. Yes, we are sure to have you ask the question. Don’t even ask if you wanted. Yes, we must warn you against senselessly and threshold, and Yes, even when you hear the forbidden so we staying within the organization also opposed the decorum. What our party made on the principles of Swaraj to do so is a crime? Yes, there will always be things painful and hamri. But what you don’t want to keep the party a person who can speak the truth in the eyes and your eyes?Yun also, Arvind brother, as you know, we have this dialogue had offered his resignation in a written note, provided:
· Panchayat and municipality participation in elections at the hands of the State unit of the final verdict to be announced
· Recently, the party joined the national Ombudsman quite large around accusations towards transferred
· Opinions of the national Ombudsman lokayukta States immediately appointed jaay
· Policy, program and every major decision the election worker’s opinion began to enter and go vote if
· According to CIC to accept the party declaring order of RTI.
· According to the Constitution of the National Executive Committee vacancies National Council by secret ballot go full of
We are still on strike. If our big improvements in the across the party give istifa once in, we would be very happy. Stay in our national Executive is an important issue. The real thing that keep some independent voices in the National Executive of the survivors organization and for you is extremely important.Arvind brother, optional in the country today is turning very delicate political impossibility. The common man is not party to the country New Delhi rajniti as expected have emerged. Our one small mistake can cause profound damage to the movement. Do not let the country and the world today many Indians are bigger expectations than this party bandhi. Over the past weeks we’ve met thousands of volunteer message. He pushes her in the party is what is happening. All those that want to get to work with some kind of party leader, party unity persists, as well as his soul intact. Make any thing hard todna easy. Your leadership in historic victory today after some of the big mind big time to work. The whole country is watching us, exclusively on you. We hope you will not ganvaege this historic opportunity.At a meeting of the National Council is just one day. Hope you keep thinking a big occasion party unity and his soul shall find a way of keeping bachaye. Any effort you will find with us.SasnehYour,Prashant Bhushan
Yogendra Yadav0Add a comment
- The global partnership between RB and Save the Children today launched a unique and ground-breaking programme to help eradicate child deaths from diarrhoea.The partnership unveiled two innovative new hygiene and sanitation products by RB (formerly known as Reckitt Benckiser) alongside Save the Children’s sustainable Stop Diarrhoea programme in India, Pakistan and Nigeria – aimed at preventing, controlling and treating the unnecessary killer.The combination of RB’s expertise in product development and research, and Save the Children’s experience of delivering life-saving work will help save thousands of young lives a year. Funded by RB, the Stop Diarrhoea programme, will for the first time fully implement the World Health Organisation and UNICEF 7-point plan to ensure comprehensive diarrhoea control.Each year 567,000 children under-five die needlessly from diarrhoea, equivalent to 64 children every hour. In an ambitious drive to help end this, Save the Children and RB have committed to working with national governments and other partners to implement the 7 Point Plan. To improve hand washing and community sanitation, RB and 19 of their suppliers (who volunteered their time) have developed two unique products that are completely new to market.The products are a low-cost germ protection bar that can be used by families for cleaning and washing hands (including children from the age of one). Two years in the making, the second is a ‘game-changing’ toilet powder to make the use of pit latrines more hygienic. The powder keeps flies away, reduces both faecal matter and the transmission of germs. The benefits of the toilet powder should encourage communities to make better use of the more hygienic pit latrines, as opposed to defecating in public areas.For the first time, RB will not be making a profit from these products and the revenue will be reinvested into the Stop Diarrhoea programme and fighting diarrhoea. They will also be produced locally, encouraging entrepreneurship, in addition to reducing the overall carbon footprint and transport costs associated with their manufacture.The two unique products are major breakthroughs in science and technology to target specific issues and save lives. Both products have been created to be affordable for consumers who have not traditionally been able to afford personal and home hygiene products.Toilet Powder:– The fragranced powder has highly absorptive qualities and also has a well-balanced combination of micro-organisms that accelerate the natural and continuous degradation of faeces reducing the need to regularly empty pit latrines and making them more hygienic. Initial tests show significant volume reduction after only one week’s usage.– Highly biodegradable the powder has been developed combining natural raw material from food production waste, such as rice husk and coconut peat.– The citrus fragrance reduces the unpleasant odours which also results in a reduction of flies and pests which use the toilets as a food source, spreading disease.Affordable Germ Protection Bar:– Has been developed as a product to be used by families to wash themselves, their children, (safe from children from the age of 1 year)– Requires less water so effective even when reduced access to water– Contains ingredients that help in moisturising the skin and reduces the transmission of disease-causing germs
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