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Hungary passes tight asylum law

Hungary’s parliament on Monday passed legislation that tightens asylum rules and allows the erection of a fence along the country’s border with Serbia. Under the new legislation, Budapest will be able to speed up the screening of asylum claims and expel asylum-seekers to third countries. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has earlier criticized Budapest’s decision, saying it is “deeply concerned” about these amendments. In June, Hungary’s Interior Ministry said the country has received 53,300 asylum requests in 2015, compared with 42,700 in all of 2014. Around 80 percent of asylum-seekers come from conflict zones such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, according to the UNHCR.

Shivraj Singh CM MP settles for CBI Enquiry at last in Press Conference

Shivraj Singh Chouhan Addresses Press Conference in Bhopal: Highlights
After calls for CBI probe in the multi-crore Vyapam scam and his resignation for a fair enquiry, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan called for a press conference in Bhopal.
Here are the highlights from his address:
High Court is monitoring the SIT probing the scam.
I have complete faith in the Supreme Court, High Court and the system.
We also lost our journalist friend.
Since then, it is being asked why the enquiry is not being done by the Supreme Court.
I have said this before, I can’t order a CBI enquiry directly.
Government should be above suspicion. We need to answer if any questions are raised.
I request High Court to handover the probe to CBI.
If any questions are raised, they will be answered.
I was up all night and have thought about it. I have decided that CBI should enquire the issue.
With a CBI probe, everything will be crystal clear in the case.
I have deep respect for Uma Bharti. Whatever she may have said. Uma Ji is a senior leader, a union minister and like my sister.
Now I am sending a letter to the High Court requesting them to order a CBI probe. Courtesy NDTV

Loksabha TV Walk-in-Interview

लोकसभा टीवी में विभिन्न पदों के लिए जॉब, होंगे वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू

समाचार4मीडिया ब्यूरो
लोकसभा टीवी में जॉब करने का सपना देख रहे पत्रकारों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। दरअसल चैनल में कई पदों के लिए नियुक्तियां निकली हुई हैं। चैनल कॉन्ट्रैक्ट बेसिस पर अनुभवी और योग्य व्यक्तियों की तलाश कर रहा है।
चैनल द्वारा विज्ञप्ति के मुताबिक, उसे प्रोडक्शन एग्जिक्यूटिव, प्रोडक्शन असिसटेंट, प्रोड्यूसर, असिसटेंट प्रोड्यूसर, कॉपी एडिटर, एंकर (हिंदी और अंग्रेजी), मैनेजर (डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन एंड मार्केटिंग), ब्रॉडकास्ट इंजिनियर और टेक्निकल एग्जिक्यूटिव के लिए लोगों की आवश्यकता है।
उपरोक्त पदों के लिए वॉक-इन-इंटरव्यू होंगे और ये इंटरव्यू 17 से 20 जुलाई तक सुबह 9 बजे से 10 बजे तक चलेंगे। सभी इंटरव्यू अलग-अलग पदों के हिसाब से अलग-अलग तारीख में निर्धारित किए गए हैं।
बता दें कि इंटरव्यू देने के लिए अपने साथ भरा हुआ एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म कर, पिछली कंपनी की लास्ट पे स्लिप, सर्टिफिकेट की कॉपी (Date  of  Birth,  Educational  Qualification, Technical Qualification आदि), Experience  Certificate, Identity Proof, Permanent Account Number (PAN) साथ लाना होगा।
बता दें कि लोकसभा टीवी में कार्यरत व्यक्ति भी अप्लाई कर सकता है। चुने गए आवेदक को तीन साल के लिए कॉन्ट्रैक्ट बेसिस पर रखा जाएगा और सलाना परफॉर्मेंश बेसिस पर अप्रैजल होगा।
अधिक जानकारी और एप्लिकेशन फॉर्म डाउनलोड करने के लिए LSTV पर क्लिक करें।
समाचार4मीडिया देश के प्रतिष्ठित और नं.1 मीडियापोर्टल exchange4media.com की हिंदी वेबसाइट है। समाचार4मीडिया.कॉम में हम आपकी राय और सुझावों की कद्र करते हैं। आप अपनी राय, सुझाव और ख़बरें हमें mail2s4m@gmail.com पर भेज सकते हैं या 01204007700 पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं। आप हमें हमारे फेसबुक पेज पर भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं।
MDG success springboard for new sustainable development agenda: UN report
New York, 6 July 2015—The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have produced the most successful anti-poverty movement in history and will serve as the jumping-off point for the new sustainable development agenda to be adopted this year, according to the final MDG report launched today by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 found that the 15-year effort to achieve the eight aspirational goals set out in the Millennium Declaration in 2000 was largely successful across the globe, while acknowledging shortfalls that remain. The data and analysis presented in the report show that with targeted interventions, sound strategies, adequate resources and political will, even the poorest can make progress. “Following profound and consistent gains, we now know that extreme poverty can be eradicated within one more generation”, said Ban Ki-moon. “The MDGs have greatly contributed to this progress and have taught us how governments, business and civil society can work together to achieve transformational breakthroughs”. Goals and targets work The MDG report confirms that goal-setting can lift millions of people out of poverty, empower women and girls, improve health and well-being, and provide vast new opportunities for better lives. Only two short decades ago, nearly half of the developing world lived in extreme poverty. The number of people now living in extreme poverty has declined by more than half, falling from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 836 million in 2015. The world has also witnessed dramatic improvement in gender equality in schooling since the MDGs, and gender parity in primary school has been achieved in the majority of countries. More girls are now in school, and women have gained ground in parliamentary representation over the past 20 years in nearly 90 per cent of the 174 countries with data. The average proportion of women in parliament has nearly doubled during the same period. The rate of children dying before their fifth birthday has declined by more than half, dropping from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 live births since 1990. Figures for maternal mortality show a decline of 45 per cent worldwide, with most of the reduction occurring since 2000. Targeted investments in fighting diseases, such as HIV/AIDs and malaria, have brought unprecedented results. Over 6.2 million malaria deaths were averted between 2000 and 2015, while tuberculosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions saved an estimated 37 million lives between 2000 and 2013. Worldwide, 2.1 billion have gained access to improved sanitation and the proportion of people practicing open defecation has fallen almost by half since 1990. Official development assistance from developed countries saw an increase of 66 per cent in real terms from 2000 and 2014, reaching $135.2 billion. Inequalities persist The report highlighted that significant gains have been made for many of the MDG targets worldwide, but progress has been uneven across regions and countries, leaving significant gaps. Conflicts remain the biggest threat to human development, with fragile and conflict-affected countries typically experiencing the highest poverty rates. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 Embargoed until 6 July, 10:15 am EDT (GMT-4) asdf United Nations Issued by the UN Department of Public Information—DPI/2594 E Gender inequality persists in spite of more representation of women in parliament and more girls going to school. Women continue to face discrimination in access to work, economic assets and participation in private and public decision-making. Despite enormous progress driven by the MDGs, about 800 million people still live in extreme poverty and suffer from hunger. Children from the poorest 20 per cent of households are more than twice as likely to be stunted as those from the wealthiest 20 per cent and are also four times as likely to be out of school. In countries affected by conflict, the proportion of out-of-school children increased from 30 per cent in 1999 to 36 per cent in 2012. In the context of the environment, global emissions of carbon dioxide have increased over 50 per cent since 1990 and water scarcity now affects 40 per cent of people in the world and is projected to increase. New sustainable development agenda World leaders have called for an ambitious long-term sustainability agenda to succeed the MDGs. Building on the success and momentum of the MDGs, new global goals will break fresh ground with ambition on inequalities, economic growth, decent jobs, cities and human settlements, industrialization, energy, climate change, sustainable consumption and production, peace and justice. “The emerging post-2015 development agenda, including the set of Sustainable Development Goals, strives to build on our successes and put all countries, together, firmly on track towards a more prosperous, sustainable and equitable world”, concluded Ban Ki-moon. Background The Millennium Development Goals Report, an annual assessment of global and regional progress towards the Goals, reflects the most comprehensive, up-to-date data compiled by over 28 UN and international agencies. It is produced by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. A complete set of the data used to prepare the report is available at mdgs.un.org. For more information, press materials and an inter-agency media contact list, seehttp://www.un.org/millenniumgoals. Media contacts Francyne Harrigan, E:fharrigan@un.org / T: +1 (917) 367-5414 Sharon Birch, E:birchs@un.org / T: +1 (212) 963-0564
The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
cordially invites you to a Public Lecture (India in Transition series)
at 3.00 pm on Wednesday, 8 July, 2015
in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building

 ‘The Suffocating Embrace?:
The state in independent India’

Prof. Devesh Kapur,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, USA.
While the State in post-independence India has been seen as a key instrument for socio-economic transformation, expectations have been belied more than met.  The talk examines why the Indian State is relatively successful in some complex tasks while much less so in seemingly simpler tasks.  By focusing on core functions of the modern State – public order, regulation, public goods and the State’s role in the international system – the speaker argues that the Indian State’s weaknesses are rooted in factors that are largely internal to India.  A political economy consumed with social representation in State organs, a severe imbalance between goals and capabilities, and political and cognitive centralization have led to a neglect of intra-organizational issues that are critical to successful implementation.  A growing mismatch between the capacity of the Indian State and the emerging challenges facing the country, pose the biggest threat to India’s future.
Prof. Devesh Kapur is Madan Lal Sobti Professor of Contemporary India and Director, Center for Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
All are welcome.
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A discussion with Shashi Tharoor
On his book

‘India Shastra – Reflections on the Nation in our time’

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DATETuesday, July 14, 2015
TIME6:30 PM  – 7:30 PM (Registration: 6:00 pm onwards)
LOCATIONDurbar Hall, Asiatic Society, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai
SPEAKERSDr. Shashi TharoorMember of Parliament, Lok Sabha and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs
Mr. James CrabtreeMumbai Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Ms. Manjeet KripalaniCo-founder & Executive Director, Gateway House
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Today, India is going through a sea change in its governance. The domestic, foreign and economic policy, politics and civil rights are currently in a phase of transition. The paradigm shift in policies and administration has been set off by the Narendra Modi led BJP Government, after receiving a huge mandate in the 2014 general election. While the economy is showing signs of revival, spurred by the new foreign policy and encouragement of businesses, the domestic policy is being criticised on grounds of majoritarianism and communalism.

The present policies, therefore, pose a larger question. Is the Government short-sighted in its approach and are we compromising on the bigger constitutional goals in implementing these policies? Is it a case of social inclusion being neglected and a narrow idea of development being prioritized? Are we chasing some delusional indices such as the Growth Rate and the GDP?Dr Shashi Tharoor, one of the most acclaimed and insightful writers would be in conversation with Mr. James Crabtree and Ms. Manjeet Kripalani to unmask the complex issues of the current Indian society.  India Shastra is an attempt to chronicle the present day India for the future generations.
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 Shashi Tharoor 01-07-15Dr. Shashi TharoorMember of Parliament, Lok Sabha and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External AffairsDr. Shashi Tharoor is the bestselling author of fifteen previous books, both fiction and non-fiction, including, the most recently released ‘India Shastra: Reflections on the Nation in our Time’ besides being a noted critic and columnist, a former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations and a former Minister of State for Human Resource Development and Minister of State for External Affairs in the Government of India.
He served 29 years at the United Nations, culminating as Under-Secretary General under Kofi Annan’s leadership of the organization. As India’s official candidate to succeed Annan as UN Secretary-General, he emerged a strong second (to Ban Ki-Moon) out of seven contenders. On returning to India he contested the 2009 elections on behalf of the Indian National Congress, and was elected to Parliament from Thiruvananthapuram. Re-elected in 2014, he chairs Parliament’s External Affairs Committee. Dr. Shashi Tharoor’s books include the path-breaking satire The Great Indian Novel (1989), the classic India: From Midnight to the Millennium (1997) and most recently, the visionary Pax Indica: India and the World of the 21st Century (2012). He has won numerous literary awards, including a Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, was honoured as “New Age Politician of the Year” in 2010, and pioneered among Indian politicians the use of Twitter, where he has over two and a half million followers as of 2014. Dr. Tharoor earned his Ph.D. at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at the age of 22, and was named by the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1998 as a “Global Leader of Tomorrow.” He was awarded the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman, India’s highest honour for overseas Indians.
 JAMES CRABTREE 01-07-15Mr. James CrabtreeMumbai Bureau Chief, Financial TimesJames Crabtree leads coverage of corporate India for the FT, having previously worked on the paper’s opinion page in London, as Comment Editor. Prior to joining the FT, James was the deputy editor of Prospect, Britain’s leading monthly magazine of politics and ideas. He has also written for a range of global publications, from the Economist to Wired. Before to returning to journalism, James worked as a senior policy advisor in the UK Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, and also for various think tanks in London and Washington DC.
He spent a number of years living in the United States, initially as a Fulbright Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He lives in Mumbai with his wife Mary, their baby son Alexander, and two large fluffy Maine Coon cats.
 Manjeet Kripalani 01-07-15Ms. Manjeet KripalaniCo-founder and Executive Director, Gateway HouseManjeet Kripalani is the co-founder of Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations, and acts as the executive director of the institution. Prior to the founding of Gateway House, Kripalani was India Bureau chief of Businessweek magazine from 1996 to 2009. During her extensive career in journalism (Businessweek, Worth and Forbes magazines, New York), she has won several awards, including the Gerald Loeb Award, the George Polk Award, Overseas Press Club and Daniel Pearl Awards.
Kripalani was the 2006-07 Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, which inspired her to found Gateway House. Her political career spans being the deputy press secretary to Steve Forbes during his first run in 1995-96 as Republican candidate for U.S. President in New Jersey, to being press secretary for the Lok Sabha campaign for independent candidate Meera Sanyal in 2008 and 2014 in Mumbai. Kripalani holds two bachelor’s degrees from Bombay University (Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Arts in English and History) and a master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia University, New York. She is a member of the Asian advisory board of the International Centre for Journalists and the Overseas Press Club, and sits on the executive board of Gateway House, the Indian Liberal Group and Emancipaction, all of which are non-profit organizations.
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