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Naman Dawar’s team wins the Pro-Am event of BILT Open 2015
The Pro-Am event of the BILT Open 2015 played at the Classic Golf & Country Club on Saturday was won by professional Naman Dawar’s team.
The Pro-Am was played in the team scramble format where the team’s best ball was chosen on every shot including the putting green. After the best ball was chosen all other players were to place their ball within one score card length before continuing play.
PGTI member Naman Dawar led his team to victory with a score of 55.8. Dawar’s team comprised of amateurs Mr. Amarjot Bedi, Mr. Sandeep Malhotra and Mr. Rajan Wadhawan. They won on a count-back.
PGTI member Shankar Das’ team was second with a score of 55.8. Das’ team comprised of amateurs Mr. Ravi Puri, Mr. Ravi Shankar Singh and Mr. Sidharth Sangwan.
PGTI member Kapil Kumar’s team finished third with a score of 56. Kapil’s team comprised of amateurs Mr. Inderjeet Singh, Mr. Joydeep Nayyar and Mr. A K Sinha.

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Modi’s diaspora thrust is aimed at deflecting the anti-FDI lobby back home Using NRIs to Hush Swadeshis

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Dear Mr. Sagar
I am forwarding my article that appeared in “The Economic Times” on 3rd October 2015 (Saturday).
Your feedback and response are as always welcome.
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Best Regards,
Rajiv Kumar
Modi’s diaspora thrust is aimed at deflecting the anti-FDI lobby back home Using NRIs to Hush Swadeshis
There was another ‘Madison Square Garden’ moment on the US West Coast last Sunday. Leading the charge of the unprecedented hype accompanying Narendra Modi’s second visit to the US were the non-resident Indians (NRIs) there. The Prime Minister has quickly grasped that the key to improving Indo- US ties is to have the giant American MNCs in his camp rooting for him.
Moreover, to ensure that he is not castigated by the liberal elite, both in the US and in India, Modi used the Digital India forum to underline his commitment for eliminating the deeply entrenched ‘digital divide’ back home in India. Like his JAM (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, Mobile) strategy, Digital India is slated to be a huge step forward for making future economic growth in India more inclusive.
It is surprising to hear criticism, including from former BJP ministers, over ‘the inordinate amount of time’ and attention Modi has spent outside the country. The criticism often comes with advice on the need for greater attention on domestic reforms, sorting out nitty-gritty governance issues, and building bridges with opposition parties. Such criticism is shortsighted, naive and misplaced.
One reason for Modi’s foreign visits has been to woo foreign investors to India. But the more important motivation is evident in Modi’s special effort at mobilising NRIs wherever he has gone. He has interacted with them, listening to their feedback and not restricted these meetings to being ‘photo-ops’.
Ram Madhav, one of the most perceptive and well regarded general secretaries in the BJP, has been tasked by Modi for the assignment.
This shows the importance Modi gives to his NRI interactions. Being until very recently an RSS pracharak, Madhav’s deputation for the task implies RSS backing for Modi’s NRI thrust.
This thrust on NRIs is principally directed at pre-empting and deflecting the likely criticism from the Swadeshi lobby within his own party and other affiliates of the Sangh Parivar, not to mention the sundry socialist and Left forces against FDI coming into India. Congress leader Ahmed Patel has already accused the government this week of being “held hostage by a few foreign corporations”.
Bombay Club, Ver 2.0 They are covertly supported by a segment of India Inc that would rather have foreign investors stay away. We can recall how shrill and strident Swadeshi criticism had become during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure. It made his and finance minister Yashwant Sinha’s lives miserable and reforms increasingly difficult.
Modi is aware of this potential minefield and has used the NRI card NRIs watch Modi’s speech on big screen at the Arena Green East Park, San Jose to pre-empt it. He has forced the Swadeshi lobby to recognise that with so many of our kith and kin succeeding so handsomely in their professions in this globalised world, the distinction between FDI and domestic investors is spurious. The only issue that matters is the creation of jobs.
By bringing together Indian CEOs of global corporate giants like Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Sundar Pichai (Google), Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo), Shantanu Narayen (Adobe) and Ajaypal Banga (MasterCard) on the same platform with him, Modi has ensured that the Swadeshi lobby looks churlish if it decides to oppose FDI brought in by MNCs led by these NRIs.
It is crucial that Modi succeeds in this effort to fend off the emotive and downright xenophobic calls from the lobby that has the potential for derailing the development agenda. On the other hand, the announcement about Google and Indian Railways working together to provide 500 stations with Wi-Fi hotspots will surely cheer the 950 million mobile phone-users, many of whom are young and quite low down on the income pyramid.
Thus, Modi’s foreign visits actually have a domestic agenda.
Modi also urgently needs to attract large volumes of FDI with some big names to turn around the present downcast sentiment among domestic investors. Balance sheets of a large number of domestic companies are badly stressed, making them incapable of expanding capacities.
Their problems will take time to resolve as it involves major restructuring of the power, highways and ports sectors where projects are stalled and cash flows are jammed. At the same time, the lack of significant fiscal space does not permit a full-blown Keynesian bailout through largescale public spending.
Finally, measures for improving the ease of doing business will expectedly take time as states have to be brought on board and decades-old habits and mindsets need rewiring. As Modi said in his Facebook town hall meet, India is like a train with a very long turning radius and not a scooter that can be quickly turned around.
Helping, Not Foreign, Hand Modi is well aware of the need for greater attention to domestic policy reforms. But he has to neutralise the likely opposition to these reforms before he can implement them.
For this, even an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha does not suffice. Necessary coalitions have to be created in the social space. He is trying to do this with the help of the NRIs. This is a domestic agenda.
For a counterview, read Scroll’s ‘Confessions of a Modi-fied NRI’ at

The National Joint Action Committee (NJAC), a consortium of national organisations of different verticals of food industry has charged the Food Safety & Standards Authority (FSSAI) for devising measures to nail the food industry as a consequence of its loosing the battle in Supreme Court on issue of advisories issued by FSSAI and which has been held unlawful by the apex Court. NJAC has alleged that FSSAI is preparing to impose some adhoc provisions by redefining Food, Proprietary Food and Nutraceutical Food which will run the food business in India to a great extent. The said action of the FSSAI shall be arbitrary, unjustified and unscientific and shall be opposed tooth & nail by the entire food industry and if need be the industry will not hesitate to knock the doors of Courts once again.
Recently,Ministry of Health has issued some revised definitions on plain paper in this respect which has been viewed by experts as a grave violation of principles of natural justice. The sector is already suffering from the overarching practices of FSSAI Such an approach may cause serious unrest amongst the Trade, Transporters and other verticals of food industry. The NJAC has sought immediate intervention of Union Health Minister Mr. J.P.Nadda.
Mr. Praveen Khandelwal, Chairman of the Committee and Secretary General of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) said that FSSAI should desist itself from arbitrary working and should not violate principles of probity and transparency and work in a participatory manner. He has demanded that instead of redefining, the FSSAI should hold technical deliberations on regulations already drafted on Nutraceutical Food and Food Additives and work out its effective implementation.
Mr. Sandeep Gupta Co-Chairman of the Committee said that such arbitrary practice, non-transparent and posing restriction to trade is only reflecting vindictive intent of authorities and overruling directions of Apex court as well as illegal means of gaining power which is highly unconstitutional and uncalled for.

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CODESRIA E-newsletter No. 17: September 2015


It’s time again to serve you our monthly tonic of the CODESRIA Newsletter. It is a typical case of “Durban here we come” as CODESRIA anchored on three great events in the city. The world Social Science Forum has just ended its conference in Durban South Africa with more than a thousand participants attending from 84 different countries. Here we provide you with the highlights of the deliberations centred around the theme of the conference: Transforming Global Relations for a Just World. As you (…)
Bienvenue à ce nouveau numéro de la lettre d’Information. Les lampions sur le 3ème Forum mondial qui s’est tenu à Durban, en Afrique du Sud se sont éteints avec plus de mille participants venus de 84 pays. Dance ce numéro, nous revenons sur les conclusions de cette rencontre qui a pour thème : « Transformer les relations internationales pour un monde juste ». Et comme nous l’avions annoncé ici, le CODESRIA a joué un rôle clé dans l’organisation pratique de cette rencontre planétaire. En marge de ce (…)


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Declaration of the 3rd World Social Science Forum – 16 September 2015

Hosted in Durban, South Africa, the World Social Science Forum 2015 took place against the backdrop of multiple transitions that affect global governance, resource utilisation, social relations and quality of life leading to increased global inequalities. The Forum is the most significant (…)

Closing Remarks- WSSF 2015: Transforming Global Relations for a Just World – Dzodzi Tsikata, President, CODESRIA

Dear colleagues and fellow participants, After four remarkable days of excellent presentations, the sharing of ideas and important debates on one of the most serious challenges of our time, there is not much left to say except to say thank you and to call on all of us to act. I hope you are (…)

Book Review: The Place of Work in African Childhoods By Dr. Pape Chérif Bertrand Bassène
Revue de livres : La Place du travail chez les enfants africains par Dr. Pape Chérif Bertrand Bassène
Michael Bourdillon and Georges Mulumbwa (Eds.), The Place of Work in African Childhoods. Dakar, CODESRIA, 2014, 240 p. “The Place of Work in African Childhoods” is a collective work edited by Professor emeritus Michael Bourdillon and Georges Mulumbwa. This volume arises from the Child and (…)
Michael Bourdillon and Georges Mulumbwa (Eds.), The Place of Work in African Childhoods/La Place du travail chez les enfants africains. Dakar, CODESRIA, 2014, 240 p. “La Place du travail chez les enfants africains”, est un ouvrage collectif sous la direction du Professeur Emérite, Michael (…)

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CODESRIA has a new Deputy executive secretary
Professor Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe hails from Mozambique where his carreer in Lingustics started at Eduardo Mondlane University. He proceeded for further studies at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and later went to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of (…)

Petite enfance
Dans le cadre de l’institut sur l’Enfance et la Jeunesse qui s’est tenu du 14 au 23 septembre 2015 dans les locaux du CODESRIA une table ronde a été organisée sur les perspectives africaines en matière d’éducation et de protection de l’enfant organisée à l’Ucad 2 le lundi 21 Septembre 2015. (…)

Economic Justice Institute: Economic Justice in Africa: Globalization, the State and the Civil Society
Institut sur la justice économique : Justice économique en Afrique : mondialisation, Etat et société civile
CODESRIA has organized an Institute on Economic Justice in Africa. The Institute, which was organized in collaboration with OSISA, was held 7-18 September 2015, during the World Social Science Forum which took place Durban, South Africa, on the theme “Transforming international relations for a (…)
Le CODESRIA a organisé du 7 au 18 septembre 2015, en collaboration avec OSISA, un Institut sur la Justice économique autour du thème « Justice économique en Afrique : mondialisation, Etat et société civile ». L’institut s’est tenu en marge du Forum mondial sur les Sciences sociales qui a lieu du 13 au 16 (…)

Institute on “Inequality and Social Justice: Southern Perspectives”
Institut sur «Inégalité et justice sociale: Perspectives du Sud»
Durban, South Africa from 11 to 18 September 2015. The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), in collaboration with the University of KwaZulu Natal in Durban, South Africa, organised the 8th South-South Institute on “Inequality and Social Justice: (…)
Durban, Afrique du Sud, du 11 au 18 Septembre 2015. Le Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA), a organisé en collaboration avec l’Université du KwaZulu Natal à Durban, Afrique du Sud, le 8eme Institut Sud–Sud sur «Inégalité et justice sociale: (…)


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Fourth CODESRIA Conference on Electronic Publishing
Theme: The Open Access Movement and the Future of Africa’s Knowledge Economy Dakar, Senegal March 28-30 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) hereby announces the fourth in its electronic publishing conference series. This year’s (…)

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The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is headquartered in Dakar, Senegal. It was established in 1973 as an independent pan-African research organisation primarily focusing on social sciences research in Africa. CODESRIA’s mission required the emergence of a pan-African community of researchers, the protection of their intellectual freedom and autonomy in performing their duties and the elimination of barriers regarding language, discipline, region, gender and generation.Le Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA) a son siège à Dakar, au Sénégal. C’est une organisation panafricaine, indépendante de recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique. Elle a été créée en 1973. La mission du CODESRIA requérait l’émergence d’une communauté panafricaine de chercheurs, la protection de leur liberté intellectuelle et leur autonomie dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions et l’élimination des barrières linguistiques, de disciplines, régionales, de genre et générationnelles.
CODESRIA is a membership organization open to Africa researchers and institutions. The status of individual or institutional member is reserved for institutions and individuals located in Africa. Institutions and individuals outside of Africa are being given the status of associate member. For further details, go to this linkLe CODESRIA est une organisation ouverte aux chercheurs et aux institutions. Le statut de membre individuel ou institutionnel est réservé aux africains et aux institutions africaines. Les institutions et individus non-africains ont le statut de membre associé. Pour plus de détails, visitez ce lien
© CODESRIA — 2015
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Oct 9 at 5:22 PM


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 Vipen Vig, the Managing Director of SportzCraft ,

Cordially invites you for the 2nd Sportzcraft Championship and XIX All India Inter School KSS Championship to be held at New Delhi.

thereafter followed by 

Snacks And Refreshment 
12th October 2015 to 19th October 2015
 11 am onwards
KSSR (Tuglakabad)
We request your presence to motivate the upcoming new shooters of India.

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Ankur- +91-9911884206

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