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European Business and Technology Centre

Indo-European Conference on Building a Sustainable IPR -ICT Ecosystem for Promoting Innovation

Date: Friday, 20th November 2015, Time: 9:00 am to 05:30 pm
Venue: THE CAPITOL HOTEL, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Registration & Enquiry
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform that EBTC in association with European Patent Office (EPO), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) are organising an Indo-European Conference on Building a Sustainable IPR-ICT Ecosystem for Promoting Innovation on 20th November at The Capitol Hotel, Bengaluru.
The key topics of discussion are:
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Building a Sustainable Global IPR Ecosystem for Promotion of Innovation in ICTE Sector.
  • Patent Information and Analysis: A tool for Building Business Strategies.
  • IPR Perspective for Promoting Innovation-India and Europe.
  • Standard Essential Patent Issues and Perspective with regards to ICT.
It is our pleasure to invite you to this conference and shall be grateful if you could kindly confirm your presence by a return mail to info@ebtc.eu. For more information about the conference and speakers profile please visit the following link: www.ict-ipr.in/sipeit/conference
Looking forward to hear from you.
We also like to take this opportunity to Wish you and your family a Very Happy Diwali!
Your EBTC Team

Happy Diwali

दीपावली के पावन पर्व पर आप सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं !
Rajnath Singh's photo.

DMA demands and Satyagraha

Dear Sir/Madam
Delhi Medical Association has represented to the Honorable Health Minister, Law Minister and Consumer affairs minister on various professional issues on multiple occasions and the concerned ministries have acknowledged receipt of these representations.
IMA & DMA officials did meet health minister and law minister when invited to discuss some of these issues, at least 3 to 4 times. Both the ministers acknowledged that our demands are right but no action has been taken so far on these issues.
Since these issues are very vital to give the doctors an atmosphere to practice with dignity and safety, to serve the public effectively postponing decision on these issues will not be in the best interest of the profession and public health.
We, the members of the association are showing our solidarity to achieve these goals on16th November 2015 in the form of a national protest day and Satyagraha throughout the country.
To brief  and highlight the issues of  Satyagraha and our demands, a press conference is being organized on Saturday, 14th November 2015   at 12.30 pm at DMA House, Daryaganj, New Delhi followed by lunch..
You are requested to kindly depute your health reporter and photographer to attend the press conference to be held on Saturday, 14th November 2015   at 12.30 pm and oblige.
Thanking you,
Dr.Ajay Lekhi                                         Dr. Alok Bhandari
President,DMA                     Hony. State Secretary, DMA

Highlights of the Report Criminal background of 243 MLAs analysed

MLAs with criminal cases: Out of all the 243 MLAs analysed, 142 (58%) MLAs have declared criminal cases against themselves. Out of 228 MLAs analysed during Bihar Assembly elections in 2010130 (57%) MLAs had declared criminal cases against themselves.
  • MLAs with serious criminal cases: 98 (40%) MLAs have declared serious criminal cases including cases related to murder, attempt to murder, communal disharmony, kidnapping, crimes against women etc. Out of 228 MLAs analysed during Bihar Assembly elections in 201076 (33%) MLAs haddeclared serious criminal casesagainst themselves.
  • MLAs with criminal cases where charges have been framed: Out of the 142 MLAs who have declared pending criminal cases against themselves, 70 (49%) have declared that the charges for these cases have already been framed by the court of law.
  • MLAs with cases related to murder and attempt to murder11 MLAs have declared cases related to murder. Out of the total 11, MLAs are fromRashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)2from Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) (CPI (ML) (L))MLAs of Janata Dal United (JD(U)), andeach of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Lok Jan Shakti Party (LJP) along with 1 Independent declared cases related to murder in their respective affidavits . 29 MLAs have declared cases related to attempt to murder.  MLAs of RJDof (CPI (ML) (L))11 MLAs of (JD(U)), 4 MLAs from Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 1 of Lok Jan Shakti Party (LJP), 2 MLAs of Indian National Congress (INC) along with 2 Independent MLAs declared cases related to murder against themselves.
  • MLAs with cases related to crimes against women: MLAs have declared cases related to crimes against women with 1offence related to assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty (IPC Section-354) and 1charge related to causing miscarriage without woman’;s consent (IPC Section-313)Gulab Yadav, RJD MLA from Jhanjharpur constituency has declared case related to rape (IPC Section- 376) against himself.
  • MLAs with cases related to causing communal disharmony: MLAs have declared cases related to promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony (IPC Section-153A). While Dr. Sunil Kumar, BJP MLA from Biharsharifconstituency has declared 2charges related to IPC Section-153A against himself, 3other MLAs have declared 1 charge each under the stated section of the IPC.
  • MLAs with cases related to kidnapping: 10 MLAs have declared cases related to kidnapping. Anant Kumar Singh, anIndependent MLA from Mokamaconstituency has declared charges related to kidnapping or abducting in order to murder (IPC Section-364) against himself.
  • Party wise MLAs with criminal cases: 46 (58%) out of 80 MLAs from RJD, 37 (52%) out of 71 MLAs from JD(U), 34 (64%)out of 53 MLAs from BJP, 16 (59%)out of 27 MLAsfrom INC, 3 (100%) out of 3 CPI(ML)(L) MLAs, 1 (50%) out of 2 MLAs ofRashtriya Lok Samta Party, 2 (100%) out of MLAs from LJP have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.
  • Party wise MLAs with serious criminal cases: 34 (43%) out of 80 MLAs from RJD,28 (39%) out of 71 MLAs from JD(U), 19 (36%) out of 53 MLAs from BJP, 11 (41%) out of27 MLAs from INC, 2 (67%) out of 3 CPI(ML)(L) MLAs, 1 (50%) out of 2 MLAs ofRashtriya Lok Samta Party, 1 (50%) out of MLAs from LJP have declared serious criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.

Financial background

  • Share of wealth among MLAs : The share of wealth amongst newly elected MLAs in Bihar, 2015, as follows:
Value of assets (Rs)Number of MLAsPercentage of MLAs
10 crores and above145.76%
5 crores to 10 crores229.05%
1 crore to 5 crores12651.85%
50 lakhs to 1 crore5120.99%
less than 50 lakhs3012.35%
Table: Share of wealth amongst MLAs
  • High asset MLAs*: The 2 richest MLAs in Bihar have assets valued more than Rs 40 crores. The top three MLAs with high assets are given below:
S.No.NameDistrictConstituencyParty NameMovable Assets (Rs)Immovable Assets (Rs)Total Assets (Rs)PAN Given
1Poonam Devi YadavKHAGARIAKHAGARIAJD(U)2,15,70,96939,18,75,00041,34,45,969
41 Crore+
2Ajeet SharmaBHAGALPURBHAGALPURINC3,79,83,74636,77,52,23540,57,35,981
40 Crore+
3Anant Kumar SinghPATNAMOKAMAIND2,85,36,98825,14,75,00028,00,11,988
28 Crore+
Table: Top three MLAs with highest declared assets
*Total Assets includes income of self, spouse and dependents.

  • Crorepati MLAs: Out of the 243 newly elected MLAs, 162 (67%) are crorepatis. Out of228 MLAs analysed during Bihar 2010 assembly elections45 (20%) MLAs were crorepatis.                                                                                                         

  • Low asset MLAs: MLAs in Bihar with lowest assets have their assets valued less than Rs 15 lakhs, and they are are as follows:
S.No.NameDistrictConstituencyParty NameMovable Assets (Rs)Immovable Assets (Rs)Total Assets (Rs)PAN Given
1Achmit RishidevArariaRaniganj (SC)JD(U)1,30,0008,50,0009,80,000
9 Lacs+
2Satydev RamSiwanDarauli (SC)CPI(ML)(L)1,38,1259,68,00011,06,125
11 Lacs+
3Shyam Bahadur SinghSiwanBarhariaJD(U)3,27,20011,50,00014,77,200
14 Lacs+
Table: Three MLAs with lowest declared assets
  • Party wise crorepati MLAs: 51 (64%) out of 80 MLAs from RJD, 53 (75%) out of 71 MLAs from JD(U), 32 (60%) out of 53 MLAs from BJP, 19 (70%) out of 27MLAs fromINC1 (50%) out of 2 MLAs of Rashtriya Lok Samta Party, 2 (100%)out of MLAs from LJP have declared assets valued more than Rs 1 crore.
  • Average assets: The average of assets per MLA who won in the Bihar 2015 assembly elections is Rs. 3.02 crores, whereas the average asset for each candidate who contested in the 2015 assembly elections is Rs 1.44 crores. In 2010, the average assets per 228 MLAs analyzed was Rs 82.46 lakhs.

  • Party wise average assets: Among major parties, the average assets per MLA for53 BJP MLAs analysed is Rs 2.36 crores80 RJD MLAs have average assets of
    Rs 3.12 crores, 71 JD(U) MLAs have average assets worth of Rs.2.56 crores and27 INCMLAs have average assets of Rs. 4.39 crores.
  • MLAs with high liabilities: MLAs have declared liabilities of Rs 1 crore and above, and the details of the top 3 MLAs are as follows:
S.No.NameDistrictConstituencyParty NameTotal Assets(Rs)Liabilities (Rs)PAN Given
1Dadan YadavBuxarDumraonJD(U)2,70,04,970
2 Crore+
11 Crore+
2Anant Kumar SinghPatnaMokamaIND28,00,11,988
28 Crore+
4 Crore+
3Ajeet SharmaBhagalpurBhagalpurINC40,57,35,981
40 Crore+
3 Crore+
Table: Top three MLAs with high liabilities

  • MLAs who have not declared PAN details: 11 (5%) MLAs have not declared PAN details.
  • Crorepati MLAs with undeclared PAN details: MLAs with assets valued more than Rs 1 crore have not declared their PAN details, and they are as follows:
S.No.NameDistrictConstituencyParty NameMovable Assets (Rs)Immovable Assets (Rs)Total Assets (Rs)
1Arun KumarSaharsaSaharsaRJD12,06,7983,12,82,0803,24,88,878
3 Crore+
2Niranjan Kumar MehtaMadhepuraBihariganjJD(U)30,78,000*2,46,00,0002,76,78,000
2 Crore+
3Gaytri DeviSitamarhiPariharBJP25,69,8611,57,52,4001,83,22,261
1 Crore+
Table:  Top three high asset candidates without PAN
* on assets value indicates that the MLA has not provided the total in the affidavit, it has been calculated on the basis of details provided by them in the same

  • MLAs with high income as declared in ITR*: MLAs have declared total annual income of more than Rs 1 crore, and they are as given below:
S.No.NameParty NameDistrictConstituencyTotal Asset (Rs)The financial year for which the last income tax return has been filed by winnerTotal income shown by winner in ITR (Self+Spouse+Dependent) (Rs)Self income shown by winner in ITR (Rs)
1Sunil ChoudharyJD(U)DarbhangaBenipur14,23,13,59114 Crore+2014-20155,32,19,7535 Crore+4,92,55,2374 Crore+
2Raj Ballabh PrasadRJDNawadaNawada10,98,54,42610 Crore+2014-20152,02,04,2282 Crore+99,26,98899 Lacs+
3Anant Kumar SinghINDPatnaMokama28,00,11,98828 Crore+2014-20151,23,61,4101 Crore+4,61,8604 Lacs+
Table: MLAs with high income as declared in income tax returns
 *Total income includes income of self, spouse and dependents

  • MLAs who have not declared Income Tax Details*: 47 (19%) out of total 243 MLAs have not declared income tax details.
* Some MLAs may be exempted from filing Income Tax Returns
  • Crorepati MLAs who have not declared Income Tax Details*: 18 MLAs with assets worth more than Rs 1 crore have not their declared income tax detailsThe top3 crorepati MLAs who have not declared their income tax details have assets valued above Rs 4 crores, and they are as follows:
S.No.NameDistrictConstituencyParty NameTotal Income (Rs)Movable Assets (Rs)Immovable Assets (Rs)Total Assets (Rs)PAN Given
1Sanjay Kumar Tiwari Alias Munna TiwariBuxarBuxarINC019,71,0006,15,00,0006,34,71,0006 Crore+Y
2SharfuddinSheoharSheoharJD(U)017,47,0584,01,99,000*4,19,46,0584 Crore+Y
3Abidur RahmanArariaArariaINC56575017,62,9113,93,39,0004,11,01,9114 Crore+Y
Table: Top three MLAs with highest assets who have not declared ITR details
* on assets value indicates that the MLA has not provided the total in the affidavit, it has been calculated on the basis of details provided by them in the same
* Some candidates may be exempted from filing Income Tax Return

Comparative analysis of assets of re-elected MLAs

  • Number of re-elected MLAs: Number of re-elected MLAs analysed in the assembly elections of 2015 is 80.
  • Average assets of re-elected MLAs in 2010: The average assets of re-elected MLAs in 2010 were valued at Rs 1.05 crores.
  • Average assets of re-elected MLAs in 2015: The average assets of re-elected MLAs in 2015 were valued at Rs 3.04 crores.
  • Average growth in assets of re-elected MLAs from 2010 to 2015: The growth in average assets of re-elected MLAs’ is Rs 1.98 crores i.e. by 188%.
S.No.Party in Bihar 2015Total Number of WinnersAverage Assets in Bihar 2015Average Assets in Bihar 2010Average Asset IncreaseAverage
% Increase in Asset
2 Crore+
64 Lacs+
2 Crore+
2 Crore+
1 Crore+
1 Crore+
4 Crore+
2 Crore+
1 Crore+
4 Crore+
1 Crore+
3 Crore+
GRAND TOTAL803,04,39,871.92
3 Crore+
1 Crore+
1 Crore+
Table: comparative analysis of party wise average assets of re-elected MLAs in 2010 and 2015
Other background details
  • Education Details of MLAs: 93 (38%) MLAs have declared their education qualifications to be between 5th pass and 12thpass, while 138 (57%) MLAs have declared their educational qualification to be of graduate or aboveMLAs have declared themselves to be simple literates and MLA has declared to be an illiterate.

  • Age details of MLAs: 127 (52.2%) MLAs have declared their age to be between 25and50 years while 116 (48%) MLAs have declared their age to be between 51and 80 years.
  • Gender details of MLAs: Out of the total 243 MLAs, 28 (11.5%) MLAs are women. In 2010, out of 228 MLAs in Bihar, 33 (14.5%) MLAs were women.
​Thanks & Regards
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  1. Indian Coast Guard Ship Samarth, the first in the series of six 105m Off Shore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) was commissioned at Goa by ShriManoharParrikar, the Hon’bleRakshaMantri on 10 Nov 15 in the presence of Vice Admiral HCSBisht AVSM, Director General Indian Coast Guard, CMD Goa Shipyard Limited RAdmShekhar Mittal (RETD) and other senior dignitaries of the Central and State Government. ‘Samarth’ meaning‘Capable’ is a projection of Indian Coast Guard’s will and commitment “To serve and protect” the maritime interest of the nation.
  1. This 105m OPV has been designed and built indigenously by GSL and is fitted with most advanced state-of-the-art technology,navigation &communication equipment, sensors and machinery. The features include an Integrated Bridge System (IBS), Integrated Machinery Control System (IMCS), Power Management System (PMS) and High Power External Fire Fighting System. The ship is designed to carry one twin engine Light Helicopter and five high speed boats including two QRIB’s for fast boarding operations, Search and Rescue, Law Enforcement and Maritime Patrol. The ship is also capable of carrying pollution response equipment to contain oil spill at sea.
  1. The ship draws2450 tons(GRT) propelled by two 9100 KW diesel engines to attain a maximum speed of 23 Knots and has an endurance of 6000nmateconomical speed.The sustenance and reach, coupled with the latest and modern equipment and systems, provides her the capability to perform the role of a Command platform and undertake tasks to fulfill the Coast Guard charter of duties.
  1. The ship, on joining the Coast Guard Fleet will be based at Goa. She will be deployed extensively for EEZ surveillance and other duties as enshrined in the Coast Guard Charter. The vessel will be exploited extensively on the Western Seaboard, to safeguard the maritime interests of India. Presently, Indian Coast Guard has a Fleet of 117 Ships.Further 74 Ships are at various stages of construction at different Indian shipyards. The commissioning of this vessel and other platforms will add additional punch to the Indian Coast Guard which will emerge as a stronger and more potent force, to address the emerging security challenges in our maritime boundaries.
  2. ICGS Samarth will be manned by a complement of 14 Officers and 98 men and commanded by Deputy Inspector General Rakesh Pal, TM under the overall command and control ofCommanderCoast Guard Region (West).
  1. In the present security scenario, with increased threat from maritime terrorism, the induction of a sophisticated and state-of-the-art Offshore Patrol Vessel, will provide the desired fillip to the maritime protection of the Coastal State of Goa in particular and the Indiancoastin general.

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AC Logo without formerly 27-10-14IIC logo 17-09-15ICS logo 09-11-15
The China Symposia
(A series to develop a broader and deeper multi-dimensional understanding of China)
Session on
China’s Domestic Economic Policy – A Critical Understanding

–    With a focus on China’s ‘new normal’ and ‘the fourth generation reforms’
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DATETuesday,  November  17, 2015
TIME05:45 PM  – 07:15 PM (Registration: 05:15 PM)
LOCATIONSeminar Rooms I, II & III, Kamla Devi Complex, India International Centre (IIC), 40 Max Muller Marg, New Delhi – 110003
SPEAKERSDr. Sanjaya BaruDirector, Geo-economics and Strategy, International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), London and Hon. Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi.  
Dr. Xie Huaizhu,  Division Chief and Research Fellow, Division of International Finance, Research Bureau, People’s Bank of China 
Dr. He FanChief Economist and Managing Director, Caixin Insight Group, P.R. China
CHAIRAmbassador Jaimini Bhagwati,  RBI Chair Professor, ICRER and Former Indian High Comissioner to the United Kingdom
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The current paradigm within which economic discourse in China is taking place is – the ‘New normal’.  Broadly understood in terms of espousing a sustainable economic growth trajectory, the Chinese President Xi Jinping in his speech at the APEC summit in November 2014, underlined the significance of ‘new normal’ as a way to transform the ‘rapid growth into high-growth’. The recent currency devaluation and the falling profits of the Chinese manufacturing sector is raising doubts over China’s ability to pursue the ‘new normal’ approach. The continuing party-state led control over economic affairs raises questions about the expected deliverables in this regard.
With the 13th Five Year Plan round the corner, the focus of world interest would be on whether the oft-announced fourth-generation economic reforms would begin in earnest and whether the Chinese government would scale up its policies to de-regulate micro-economic controls. Would it take up the financial reforms necessary to provide the private sector with a level playing field in terms of access to capital and technology?   In the session, both Chinese and Indian experts will address various issues related to China’s domestic economic policy.
Please respond by clicking here
 SANJAYA BARU  09-11-15DR SANJAYA BARUDirector, Geo-economics and Strategy, International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), London and Hon. Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi.
Dr. Sanjaya Baru was (2004-08) Media Advisor, Spokesperson and principal speechwriter to Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He was Chief Editor, Business Standard, India (2009-11); Visiting Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Institute of South Asian Studies, Singapore (2008-09), The Financial Express (2000-04); Professor, ICRIER (1999-2000); Editorial Page Editor, The Times of India (1994-98);Associate Editor, The Economic Times (1990-1994), Department of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University (1985-86) and University of Hyderabad (1979-1990).
He was Visiting Fellow at School of Economic Studies, University of East Anglia, UK, and the East-West Centre, Hawaii. He also worked as Consultant at UNDP, New York (1998) and Asian Development Bank, Manila (2009, 2011).  Dr. Baru has been a member of number of government and non-government organizations like National Security Advisory Board of India, Expert Group on Indian National Defence University, India-ASEAN Eminent Persons Group, Ministry of External Affairs, India. He is member of Governing Board of Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, and the National Executive, FICCI. He is an Independent Director at Wockhardt Ltd, Mumbai, and Artemis Healthcare, Gurgaon. He is a guest faculty at National Defence College, India and Indian School of Business, Hyderabad and a member of International Academic Advisory Board, Kazakh New Economic University, Almaty. Dr. Baru holds a BA Degree from Nizam College, Hyderabad, and completed his M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D from Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, JNU. His publications include Strategic Consequences of India’s Economic Performance, The Political Economy of Indian Sugar, The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh, and several essays in edited books, professional journals and newspapers in India and abroad.
 Ms. Xie 09-11-15DR XIE HUAIZHUDivision Chief and Research Fellow, Division of International Finance, Research Bureau, People’s Bank of China
Dr. Xie is currently Division Chief and Research Fellow at Division of International Finance, Research Bureau, People’s Bank of China.  Previously, she was a Special Appointee from The People’s Bank of China as Country Economist in The Philippines Team at Asia and Pacific Department, International Monetary Fund (2013- 2014). She also served as Deputy Division Chief of Policy Research Division at Research Institute of Finance and Banking, People’s Bank of China and was Leading and coordinating a bunch of policy research in the areas of rural finance and microfinance, taking charge of the policy making of these areas.
She was an Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Teaching and Research at Graduate School, The People’s Bank of China, Beijing (2007-2012). She was also a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at School of Government, Peking University, Beijing (2004 -2007) and invited Senior Research Fellow at International Cooperation Center, National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NDRC), Beijing, Department of Cooperation, China Center for International Economic Exchange (CCIEE), Beijing. Ms Xie also worked as Volunteer and Chief Examination and Certification officer at Financial Planning Standard Council of China, Beijing (2001- 2009). MS Xie is awarded Ten-Annual-Activitist Award in Environment Protection and Environmental Cultural Promotion, Granted by China Environmental Culture Promotion Association, authorized by State Environmental Protection Administration (the Ministry of Environment Protection Thereafter) in 2005. Ms Xie has published research papers in various Academic Journals and contributed articles in edited volumes. Her important publications include PBoC Rural Finance Service Research Task Force Report 2012,  China Rural Finance Service Report 2012 and 2014,  The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present (2ed.) (Translation Edition.), by David Landes, and Personal Wealth Management and Financial Planning, Beijing: CITIC Press, 2004 &  2007. She has also undertaken and completed various research projects with various organisations.  Ms. Xie holds a Ph.D degree in Economics from School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing and Bachelor’s Degree in International Economics, Shandong University, Jinah, Shandong.
 HE FAN 09-11-15DR HE FANChief Economist and Managing Director, Caixin Insight Group, P.R. China
Dr. He Fan is chief economist and managing director of Caixin Insight Group. Caixin is a leading media and data company in China and Dr. He heads the research department of Caixin, which focuses on public policy research and strategic planning. He is also a Senior Economics Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, New York. Before joining Caixin, Dr. He was the deputy director of Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Dr. He is one of the most active young economists in China. His fields of interest include Chinese macro-economy, international finance, and international political economy. He is the author or editor of 10 books and more than 100 papers in professional economics journals. Dr. He has worked on a broad range of issues like RMB exchange rate policy, China’s foreign trade and FDI policy, and financial system reform. He is a consultant for Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, People’s Bank of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is deeply involved in many policy discussions. Dr. He is also a member of the Bellagio group of central bankers and academics (Group Thirty). Dr. He has written extensively for a broader public audience. He is a columnist for many newspaper and magazines. Dr. He is also an economics commentator for CCTV2, and a regular guest on Dialogue, CCTV9. He has also been interviewed by BBC, CNN, NHK, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and other international media.  He was selected as Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2005, Asian Young Leader by the Asia Society in 2006, and Young Leader (YLF) by NCUSCR (National Committee of US China Relationship) in 2007.  Dr. He received his Ph. D degree (2000) and MA degree (1996) in economics from the Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Hainan University in 1993. From 1998-2000, he was a visiting fellow at Harvard University.
 JAIMINI BHAGWATI 09-11-15AMBASSADOR JAIMINI BHAGWATIRBI Chair Professor, ICRER and Former Indian High Comissioner to the United Kingdom
Jaimini Bhagwati is RBI Chair Professor at ICRIER. Till recently he was India’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and prior to this he was India’s Ambassador to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg (2008-2011), and Additional Secretary (Economic Relations), Joint Secretary (Eurasia), Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi (2005-2008). He has also worked at the World Bank, Washington DC and the Ministry of Finance, New Delhi for about 15 years from 1991-2005.
He worked at Ministry of External Affairs, Embassy of India Madrid, Embassy of India Havana, and Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai  following selection for IFS in 1976. Dr. Bhagwati completed his MSc (Physics), from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University; and MS (Finance), Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. He has a Ph.D. (Finance), from Tufts University, USA. Dr. Bhagwati has contributed chapters in several books on International and Indian Financial Markets; and is also a Columnist for Business Standard, a leading Indian financial daily.

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