The Buddhist Times.News Daily
All the News That’s Fit to Fake
Shared by - BY: Bill McMorris Follow @FBillMcMorris November 20, 2016 5:00 am The New York Times exposed the threat of fake news even before the election of Donald Trump two weeks ago, arguing that spreading f...
The Washington Post vs. 'Fake News': Pot, Meet Kettle - Original
Shared by - “Freedom of expression is a bedrock of American democracy,” the Washington Post‘s editorial board writes in a November 18 jeremiad, “but its irresponsible exercise can distort and destabilize our p...
Some Fake News Publishers Just Happen to Be Donald Trump’s Cronies
Shared by - The extraordinary phenomenon of fake news spread by Facebook and other social media during the 2016 presidential election has been largely portrayed as a lucky break for Donald Trump. By that recko...
JUST IN: Washington Post Uncovers Illegal Steve Bannon/ Breitbart Money Funnel (DETAILS)
Shared by - The Washington Post has uncovered a likely illegal money funnel from a tax exempt Florida charity to Breitbart News and Steve Bannon, the controversial alt-right leader who was recently tapped by P...
Fake news network 'tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.'
Shared by - Coler says he started the fake news sites as a means of infiltrating the conservative and white supremacist sites, though he doesn’t make it clear to what end. What is clear? The money. He wouldn't...
Burma's Rohingya Facing 'Final Stages of Genocide'
Shared by - Despite the U.S.-led rolling back of economic sanctions and internationally backed national elections taking place early next month, more than a million people in Burma are facing state-sponsored g...
私がドイツ国籍を取得する理由 - New Phase
Shared by - たまに、日本にいる人から「ドイツの人と結婚したから、国籍もドイツになったの?」と聞かれることがありますが、外国人と結婚して相手の国に住むからといって自動的に国籍が変わるわけではありません。ドイツに長く住んでいる日本人のほとんどは、永住権はあっても国籍は日本のまま生活しています。これまで私もそうでした。 ドイツは外国籍を持つ者にも大変多くの権利を与えている国で、日本国籍のままドイツで長年生活し...