$ 0 0 The Sagar News Post DailyHEADLINESSCIENCEART & ENTERTAINMENTTECHNOLOGYWORLDALL ARTICLESSaturday, Feb. 18, 2017Next update in a day ArchivesTop 25 Navy Blogs And Websites on the Web | Navy BlogShared byNavyLookoutblog.feedspot.com - The Best Navyblogs from thousands of top Navy blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week. These blogs are ranked based on following criteria CONGRATULATI...The rise of 'imaginary news' -- Sott.netShared byIronBoltBrucewww.sott.net - The rise of 'imaginary news' Scott Adams Scott Adams' Blog Fri, 17 Feb 2017 16:47 UTC I think we can all agree that there has been plenty of fake news coming from both sides. Fake news is usually i...Facebook’s Algorithm Revealed: How to Remain Visible in The Cluttered News Feed?Shared byFabien ✳ Référenceurneilpatel.com - Facebook has grown tremendously to 1.654 billion users in Q1, 2016. These users actively engage with the content posted in their news feeds boosting their activity log and resulting in an average 2...WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is DeceivedShared byBrah-meantheintercept.com - Whether the Post’sfalse stories here can be distinguished from what is commonly called “Fake News” is, at this point, a semantic dispute, particularly since “Fake News” has no cogent definition. De...Naresh Kumar Sagar