Dear Sagar Media Inc,
Education has turned into a business.
Private schools are increasing their fees every year.
Run by the education mafia schools are looting, harassing and even threatening helpless parents.
And no one is stopping them.
Sign my petition and hold these schools accountable.
Caught between inefficient government schools and the expensive private ones, it’s the middle class that is suffering.
Forced to pay for an education which does not even guarantee our child’s safety.
So where is all this money going?
Sagar Media Inc, it’s high time the HRD ministry steps in and stops this loot.
A central legislation regulating fee hikes is the need of the hour.
Schools should be stopped from indulging in such profiteering.
Fee hike affects each one of us. If we all unite and take a stand the government will be forced to listen to us.
Sign my petition and demand a central law to regulate fee hikes in private schools across India.
Thank you for your support.
Petitioning Prakash Javdekar, Arvind Kejriwal, Anil Swaroop, Manish Sisodia
Central law to regulate fee hike across private schools in India
Sign my petition
Sign my petition
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