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Canada-India Commercial Technologies & Clear Air Programs  

Canada-India Commercial Technologies & Clear Air Programs  
November14, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh progressindia2015@gmail.com

At Canada-India Business Council meet 1990 – this Inventor observed ‘India Accounts for 2% of World’s GDP, 98% is Outside India, India should target World Market.’ The difference in 27 years is that ‘India now contributes 3% of the World’s GDP but has $150b Trade Deficit in $700b Foreign Trade’. Environment Technologies detailed in Annexure.

Something Critically MISSING this time is that India now Attracts 100% FDI in almost all sectors. Not just S&T or R&D Canadian Companies – Even established companies can set up Food Processing Units, Factories in India. Canada-India should facilitate Sale & Purchase of Assets. Ease of Doing business doesn’t mean Professionals Can TRANSFER their assets easily.

Canada-India Partnership to focus on developing Commercial Technologies – NAFTA plus India is serving 2000m People.

I was allowed $500 to spend in 4 years in 1985 to participate in‘World Exhibition of Achievements of Young Inventors, Plovdiv 1985’. My passport was Stamped ‘$500 issued’ – and I still managed to visit Italy, Bulgaria, USA, Canada, UK and visit Exhibitions, US Patent Office, Science Reference Library.

Opportunities were limited, but three decades later India’s foreign Trade has gone up 200 Times in $ terms – wealth with people 100 times in Rupee Terms and 20 times in $ terms butDST support in terms DST Contribution to Environment and Development of Commercial Technologies is practically nil even as DST yearly Budget exceed $10b out of around $20b Public Sector Research. There is no Cooperation between DST & Non DST R&D. $3b is Gobbled up by NGOs funded by foreign agencies.

In PPP terms it is $50b – and DST had not developed a Commercial Technology in 70 Years.

USAID with a view to promote Indo-US joint R&D introducedPACT & PACER Programs for ‘Commercial Technologies & Energy Technologies’ in 1994 soon after US Commerce Secretary’s visit with High Power Fortune 500 CEO delegation.Just from Aerospace sector there were Boeing, Lockheed, Allied Signal, GE, United Technologies, Raytheon, India never had that kind of $Trillion or about 10% worlds Market Capital in New Delhi.

India continues to import even Hand Guns and Bullet Proof Jackets. India continues to have CLOGGED Patent Office, people today have much more wealth but can’t Invest more than$2,00,000 in a year in a foreign country. We are on Income Taxradar when we spend $3,000 only. DST had misled India on PATENTS, Commercialization of Technology, and its own Real Achievements.

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 8826415770, 9871056471, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects
Trump Brokered ASIA $1 T, 500 GW Hydro Power Program +
November13, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh progressindia2015@gmail.com

Afghanistan to Vietnam there is over 500 GW of Hydro Power potential and perhaps not even 20% is developed. China has developed hydro power in its territory rapidly but rest of Asia’s the potential due to major rivers flowing through many countries and issues of sharing benefits and cost had made little progress in Hydro Power Generation +10 benefits mainly related to Flood Control, Food Security, Irrigation, Recreation, Clean Water, etc.

Obviously Economic Development of ASIA, Economic, Food & Political Security too are linked to 500 GW Hydro Power program.

WEC – 85% or 6,131 GW of Hydro Power Yet To Be Developed.

200 GW Multipurpose Hydro Power India, 200 GW in Brahamputra Bend.
There is 200 GW of Hydro Power Potential in Himalayas from J&K to Arunachal and 200 GW in Brahmputra Bend. Supaul district home town of Energy Minister is IMPACTED by floods every year – 40% UP & Bihar are Impacted by FLOODS originating in Nepal. In Brahamputra and Ganga Basin India is lower riparian therefore entitled to SEEK FLOOD Protection & Build Storage Dams – through Indian Resources & Multinational Funding and sharing obvious benefits of (1) Flood Protection to 30 million hectare or 4 Bihars in area, NE & Bangladesh besides Nepal itself (2) 800 BU/1600 BU Power Generation(3) 250 BCM Water Storage/Controlled Releases, (4) Reduce Tube-well Energy Use (5) Blue Pure Drinking Water Free From Contamination, (6) Recreation (7) Food Security(8) Climate Stability (9) Avoid GHG Emissions, Fossil Fuels Use (10) Provide Cheap or Practically FREE Energy for 200-500 yrs.


Trump may also Broker Global IPR DEVELOPMENT program, new Patent Cooperation Treaty which actually Fund and Promote Technology Cooperation among Nations –

Ø Patents are Granted in Every Member country ASIAN, NAFTA, EU, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, and Important G-20 Countries SIMULTANEOUSLY within 2-6 months.
Ø Focus to be on GLOBAL SCALE COMMERCIALIZATION than mere Stockpile of IPRs and fighting through trade barriers.
Ø Mitsubishi designed a 1600 MW Nuclear reactor in 2008 which shall give 30% more fuel economy, 39% compared 25% to 33% currently in operation and development. For 9 years World is investing in outdated technology. Latest technology can be manufactured under license in 20 Locations worldwide.
Ø Focus should be on LOCAL MANUFACTURING – i.e. It is Great When Cars MERCEDES to SUZUKI are made in India than imported.

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 8826415770, 9871056471, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects
Power Technologies & Team Work – Double Use @ Half Price
October26, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh progressindia2015@gmail.com

Only good this government did so far is Creating Position of CEO of Niti AyogAmitabh Kant when every company and organization needs a CEO, assisted by a CTO & a CFO. Even this turned out to be a disaster – I keep track of his activity ever since his posting in Central Cadre – Except Loud Shouting speeches he did nothing positive. i.e. Patent Grants to resident Indians had declined 75% since he led DIPP.

Had the Government Appointed REAL CEOs to every Department – Indian Economy would have been BOOMING than Shrinking today – Loans to Industry declining in proportion or in other world STAGNANT when INDUSTRY Needs Regular Induction of New Technology & Processes to stay at par with Global Competition. [I operated as CEO like as early as 19 yrs of age and first job – brief introduction in the end.]

Double Electricity Use @ Half Price

GoI had appointed few Honest Civil Servants as Ministers recently – and they are seriously taking their responsibilities. The introductions given to Power Minister by CEA and CWC are totally misleading – they need PROFESSIONAL CEO.

1.   200 GW Multipurpose Hydro Power India, 200 GW in Brahamputra Bend.

There is 200 GW of Hydro Power Potential in Himalayas from J&K to Arunachal and 200 GW in Brahmputra Bend. Supaul district home town of the Minister is IMPACTED by floods every year – 40% UP & Bihar are Impacted by FLOODS originating in Nepal. In Brahamputra and Ganga Basin India is lower ripariantherefore entitled to SEEK FLOOD Protection & Build Storage Dams – through Indian Resources & Multinational Funding and sharing obvious benefits of (1) Flood Protection to 30 million hectare or 4 Bihars in area, NE & Bangladesh besides Nepal itself (2) 800 BU/1600 BU Power Generation(3) 250 BCM Water Storage/Controlled Releases, (4) Reduce Tube-well Energy Use (5) Blue Pure Drinking Water Free From Contamination, (6) Recreation (7) Food Security(8) Climate Stability (9) Avoid GHG Emissions, Fossil Fuels Use (10) Provide Cheap or Practically FREE Energy for 200-500 yrs.

Lameduck Dams already built Can Be Modified As Storage Dams Introducing 9 More Benefits at low cost Speedily. At peak India IMPORTED $200b Worth Energy – Could Cost More In Coming Years. FUNDING and Sustainability are no problem.

(2) INDIA Neglected ‘ENERGY EFFICIENCY’ ‘High T&D Losses’.

CEA MISLEAD GOI about ‘High Technical Losses in Rural Feeders as Mainly Theft’ – CAG conducted TECHNICAL AUDIT in Gujarat – Gujarat Rural IRRIGATION Feeder Losses were62% that after Feeder Separation reduced to 56%.

(3)  Idea of CHARGING BPL & SMALL USERS AT PAR WITH RICH CONSUMERS MOST Unsound – It COST HIGHEST to Serve RICH CONSUMERS who Switch on Air-Conditioner or GEYSERS when demand is highest and Gas Based Generators provide power. Use ACs for 200 hours, Geysers 50 hours in a Year – Load Factor of 2% and 0.6% only.
Ø CEA ‘misleading’ GOI – Load Factor of Rich Consumers a FRACTION of BPL or MIG Consumers. To serve a Rich Consumer Load of 50 KW GOI have to install 150 KW of Generation & Transmission Capacity – mostly Gas Based. Sub 2 KW Consumers just 4 KW of Low Cost Hydro Power or Thermal Power.

Ø Let 20 KW Plus Consumers to Install CNG based Micro Turbines or Generators for Heat & Power and Absorption AC Systems – Use Cleaner Fuel Most Efficiently.

Ø High Load CONSUMERS HAD INSTALLED – INVERTORS, POWER CONDITIONERS & GENERATORS Can Afford High Cost Power, BPL & MIG Consumers Get Poor Quality Of Power Can’t be Charged More.

Ø Farmers get ‘SURPLUS or OFFPEAK POWER’ of ‘Poor Quality’ & ‘Frequent Disruptions’ can’t be charged at par with Rich Consumers.

Ø GOI is Expected to PROMOTE CLEAN Energy but not tosell SURPLUS High Cost Power in RICH State to other States or Poorer States.


Ø States may develop Own 100 KW Solar Farms or Rooftop Solar or Multipurpose Dams than buy High Cost Renewable Power from other states forever.

(5)  Neglect of ROOFTOP Solar Power @ Rs.1 Per Unit.

CEA is MISLEADING and Corrupt – Saudi Arabia accepted EDF bid which is slightly more than Rs.1 per unit for 300 MW Solar Park – 1000 MW bid would cost less than Rs.1 per unit. Off-Grid Rooftop Solar even less.

Ø Rooftop Solar is Rs.11 Cr/MW Advantage Than Large Solar Parks.  

(6)  GOI can’t be PROTECTING Developers who bid Rs.3 to Rs.15 per unit made Money for BAD decisions and REWARD them by EXTORTING BPL & MIG Consumers.


(7)  BPL & MIG Consumers Not Compensated for DISRUPTIONS, Damage to Equipment due poor quality of Power and Foods Rotting.

Ø Even in Delhi BRPL Switch off Power to Domestic Consumers Take Hours to restore – to Commercial Consumers Complaints are addressed SPEEDILY.

Ø CAG reported it takes 30-100 days to repair or replace a damaged Transformer – No Compensation for CROP DAMAGE to Farmers who are not paid Cost Of Production.


Ø All Smart Meters Can Be DOCTORED – Most are Programmed to Run Fast.

Ø India need INDEPENDENT METERING AUTHORITY to Manage Electricity Metering.


Ø There Should be TRANSPARENCY in DISCOM FUNCTIONING. Electricity Bill should also Disclose Energy Billed By A Transformer & Energy Input.

Ø A Village Should know How Much Energy is SUPPLIED & How Much is Billed and let people MINIMIZE Losses.

Ø When a Village Can Generate SOLAR POWER within own Solar Farms or Rooftops at Rs.1 Per Unit why should Consumers pay Rs.6/Unit to DISCOMS.

(10)  GoI Need a CEO in Ministry of Power to Implement all above.

Ø Double Per Capita Consumption @ Half Unit Price.

Ø Have Been CAMPAIGNING On above lines since 1975, On Everyday Basis since 2003.

Ø Worked Like CEO even at Entry Level – Instantly on Take Over at Entry Level. Brief introduction follows.

I was literally 19 Yrs old Chief Quality Control Officer working at BST then largest company in North India in 1974 – 99.99%products approved by me were countersigned by seniors. Trained at BTPS in 1975– then made Chief Procurement Officerof the largest thermal power station in India responsible for Procuring Goods as per Quality & Specification. Joined CPWD in 1976 was only Electrical Engineer in charge of Security – operated again as Chief Security Officer of biggest CPWD store – I prevented supply of SUBSTANDARD products Approved by BIS & DGSD.  I was CEO of Water Supply Installation on eve of PM Morarji Desai surprise visit with President Govind Ram Kovind assisting him in 1978 – Most Substandard Pumpsets and Most Substandard Pipe distribution that was dry for a week was TWEEKED to deliver 2880 KL of water in about 40 hours against daily requirement of 600 KL or less – 70% water Leaked and flooded the Complex which also had 30 IAS Officers of DC Rank. Same year in 1978 also I complained to PM that Indian Oil & NRDC is Steeling my Invention of Kerosene Stove made in 1975 and wrongly denied Rs.600 assistance. I met people who were WITNESS to the CHEATING – but tragedy is that none ofIITs, TERI, CSE had developed Economic Kerosene stove in 40 years. In 1982 was responsible EAST WING of JN Stadiumduring Asian Games – which had Scoreboard & Scared Flame also – once they knew I was made responsible for O&M – Contractor Triple Labor & Workers engaged for 24 hours – my wing served Ambassador & Embassy Staff similar in size and importance to West Wing was ready much ahead of VIP block for Head of States where many Chief Engineers were monitoring progress on daily basis.

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 8826415770 [4G]9871056471, 9718280435,
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects

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