Europe is ‘losing culture’ to migrants
Europeans are losing their culture and identity by allowing an uncontrolled migrant influx into the EU, Donald Trump claims. He also blamed the Mayor of London for not doing enough to prevent the terror attacks on the city.
“Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,” Trump told the Sun newspaper in Brussels, before setting off to London to begin his official visit to the UK. “I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way.”
Europe’s refugee crisis has been dubbed the worst since WWII, with a record 2.2 million refugees ending up in the EU by the end of 2015, in part due to Angela Merkel’s ‘Open Door’ policy. While the official number of these “illegally present” refugees dropped to 600,000 by the end of 2017, thousands continue to flee wars and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa to start a new life in Europe. The trend, Trump believes, is having an irreversible impact on European and British culture in particular.
“I think you are losing your culture,” Trump said, calling on politicians to act quickly to reverse the situation. “I think what has happened to Europe is a shame.”
US president brought up the issue of numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which suffered from four strikes last year alone. Claiming that London’s first ethnic minority mayor has “done a very bad job on terrorism,” Trump accused Sadiq Khan of being indirectly responsible for allowing the Westminster, London Bridge, Parsons Green Tube station and Finsbury Park Mosque attacks to take place.
“Take a look at the terrorism that is taking place. Look at what is going on in London. I think [Sadiq Khan] has done a very bad job on terrorism,” Trump told the British publication. “I think he has done a bad job on crime, if you look, all of the horrible things going on there, with all of the crime that is being brought in.”