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Boletín informativo. Jueves 21 de Noviembre 2013

Boletín informativo. Jueves 21 de Noviembre 2013.
El Gobierno también quiere criminalizar a los enfermos mentales gravesEl anteproyecto de ley para la reforma del Código Penal que este viernes aprobará el Consejo de Ministros posibilitará que personas con enfermedades mentales puedan ir a la cárcel no en función de los delitos cometidos sino por su condición de “peligrosidad”. En España hay más de un millón de personas con trastornos mentales graves que no reciben una adecuada atención socio-sanitaria.
· Gustavo Vidal Manzanares: La ley de represión ciudadana del PP haría las delicias de Hitler y Stalin 
El gobierno ha dado a conocer, bajo el orweliano apelativo de “seguridad ciudadana”, una recopilación de sanciones contra las protestas…
Ada Colau llama a una jornada de escrache virtual“El día en que el Consejo de Ministros apruebe la ley anti 15-M queda convocada jornada de Desobediencia General: no tenemos miedo, Fuera La Mafia”, ha escrito la portavoz de la PAH añadiendo la etiqueta “#holadictadura”.
Rajoy dice que la Ley de Seguridad busca “garantizar la libertad” y no “amordazar”La futura Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, cuyo anteproyecto recoge multas por manifestaciones no comunicadas, ‘escraches’ o concentraciones ante el Parlamento, ha cosechado la crítica de numerosas fuerzas de la oposición.
· Víctor Arrogante: ¿Justicia igual para todos? 
Se sabía; pero hemos tenido que conocer casos concretos, para confirmarlo una vez más y darnos cuenta de que la justicia no es igual para todos…
Las víctimas de violencia de género tendrán un seguimiento clínicoSegún la diputada del PSOE, según Ángeles Álvarez, se trata de una “estrategia decisiva para identificar e intervenir con aquellas victimas que no demandan ayuda al sistema de justicia aunque estén en riesgo”, algo “básico para avanzar” en la lucha contra la violencia de género.
El Gobierno de Rajoy ha supuesto dos años de retrocesos en igualdadDejar fuera a las lesbianas del acceso a la reproducción asistida, a la diversidad del currículo escolar, son algunas medidas contra la igualdad según un informe elaborado por la Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Transexuales y Bisexuales.
Protesta estudiantil frente al Ministerio contra la LOMCE y los recortes ‘Franco a WERTo’, ‘Censura es tiranía’, ‘No a los recortes’ o ‘Separación Iglesia-Estado’, entre otras, han sido las pancartas más repetidas en la concentración de este miércoles, en la que los asistentes han coreado en varias ocasiones “Wert dimisión”.
Los ingresos medios de los hogares españoles caen hasta los 23.123 euros, el nivel más bajo en 7 años Los hogares españoles tuvieron en 2012 unos ingresos medios anuales de 23.123 euros, un 3,5% menos que un año antes, según la última Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida publicada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).
Deniegan dos de cada tres solicitudes de autónomos para cobrar el paroEl Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS), las mutuas y otras entidades gestoras han denegado hasta septiembre el 64,78% de las solicitudes que han presentado trabajadores autónomos para recibir la prestación por cese de actividad (paro), según datos difundidos este miércoles por la organización de autónomos UPTA.
· Jesús Fernández Béjar: Lecturas constructivas de un conflicto 
Una vez finalizada la huelga de los trabajadores y trabajadoras del sector de limpieza viaria y jardinería de Madrid, deberíamos valorar adecuadamente…
Renunció Guillermo Moreno, el funcionario más polémico del Gobierno argentinoEl Secretario de Comercio Interior fue uno de los personajes con más influencia en la década kirchnerista.
Elena Poniatowska, Premio Cervantes 2013La mexicana Elena Poniatowska, que afirma que su escritura es una forma de compromiso con los desfavorecidos, es la cuarta mujer que obtiene el galardón, tras Dulce María Loynaz, Ana María Matute yMaría Zambrano, en sus 37 años de vigencia.
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Contesting MLAs from Major Parties Contesting in the Madhya Pradesh 2013 Assembly Elections

Analysis of Financial background of Contesting Candidates and Asset Comparison of Re-Contesting MLAs from Major Parties Contesting in the Madhya Pradesh 2013 Assembly Elections

Summary and Highlights

Madhya Pradesh Election Watch (MPEW) and Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) have analysed the self-sworn affidavits of candidates from three major political parties (INC, BJP and BSP) in the Madhya Pradesh State Assembly Elections. A total of 2583 candidates filed affidavits with the ECI among whom 686 candidates were from the above three major parties. Out of these 686 candidates, 683 were analysed. Only those parties which are contesting in more than 200 constituencies are considered for this report. (English and Hindi versions of the detailed reports are attached with this e-mail)
Note: Affidavits of Kailash Vijayvargiya (BJP), Uday Prakash Mishra (INC) and Vijay Singh Chouhan (BSP) have not been analysed due to issues in their affidavits like missing pages, annexures etc
·         Crorepati Candidates: Out of the analysed 683 contesting candidates, 350 (51%) are crorepatis. 
·         Average Assets: The average asset per candidate contesting in the 2013 Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections isRs.3.38 Crores. The average asset per candidates for these 3 political parties in 2008 Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections was Rs.1.07 Crores.
·         Party-wise Average Assets: The average asset per candidate for BJP (229 candidates) is Rs.4.04 Crores, for 228INC candidates the average is Rs.5.33 Crores and the average assets of BSP (226 candidates) is Rs.76.62 Lakhs in 2013 Assembl elections. The average asset per candidate for BJP, INC and BSP in 2008 Assembly elections were Rs.1.05 Crores,Rs.1.59 Crores and Rs.57.29 Lakhs.
·         High Asset Candidates: The top three candidates with high declared assets are Sanjay Pathak of INC from Vijayraghavgarh Constituency with declared assets worth Rs.121.32 Crores followed by Chetan Kashyap of BJP from Ratlam City Constituency with assets worth Rs.120.29 Crores and Satyanarayan Patel of INC from Depalpur Constituency with assets worth Rs 70.96 Crores.
·         High Liability Candidates: The top three candidates with highest declared liabilities are Sanjay Pathak of INC from Vijayraghavgarh constituency has declared the highest liabilities worth Rs.48.70 Crores followed by Surendra Patawa of BJP from Bhojpur constituency with liabilities worth Rs.34.49 Crores and Dr.Mohan Yadav of BJP from Ujjain South constituency with liabilities worth Rs.5.11 Crore.

·         Undeclared PAN: 143 (21%) out of 683 candidates contesting in the 2013 Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections have not declared their PAN details.

·         High Income Candidates: Sanjay Pathak of INC from Vijayraghavgarh constituency has declared the highest income of Rs.8.94 Crores in the last Income Tax Returns (ITR) filed for the year 2012-13 followed by Sanjay Sharma of BJP from Tendukheda constituency with total income of Rs.3.44 Crores and Alok Chaturvedi of INC from Chhatarpur with an income of Rs.1.73 Crores for the financial year 2012-13.

Summary of asset comparison of re-contesting MLAs

·         MLAs Contesting Again:  Madhya Pradesh Election Watch (MPEW) and Association for Democratic Reforms have analyzed 141 outgoing MLAs who are contesting again in the 2013 Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections.

·         Average Assets in 2008 ElectionsThe average asset of these 141 re-contesting MLAs fielded by various parties in 2008 was Rs 1.70 Crores.
·         Average Assets in 2013 ElectionsThe average asset of these 141 re-contesting MLAs in 2013 is Rs 5.81 Crore.
·         Average Asset growth in 5 years (2008-2013)The average asset growth for these 141 re-contesting MLAs, between the Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections of 2008 and 2013 is Rs 4.11 Crores.
·         Percentage growth in 5 years (2008-2013): Average percentage growth in assets for these 141 re-contesting MLAs is 242%.

·         Highest growth In Assets in 5 years (2008-2013): Sanjay Pathak of INC from Vijayraghavgarh constituency has declared maximum increase in assets with an increase of Rs 87.15 Crore i.e from Rs 34.17 Crores in 2008 to Rs. 121.32 Crores in 2013. Assets of K.P.Singh Kakkajoo (of INC from Pichhore constituency) have increased by Rs 49.23 Crores, from Rs 11.48 Crores in 2008 to Rs 60.72 Crores in 2013. Assets of Satyanarayan Patel of INC from Depalpur constituency have risen by Rs 40.95 Crores, from Rs 30.01 Crores in 2008 to Rs 70.96 Crores in 2013. 

·         Asset decrease in 5 years (2008-2013)4 BJP MLAs have reported decrease in assets in 2013 as compared to their assets in 2008. Among them the highest decrease has been shown by Arvind Bhadoriya (49% decline in assets, Rs 1.45 Crores in 2008 to Rs 74.26 Lakhs in 2013) from Ater constituency followed by Deepak Joshi (10% reduction in assets, from Rs 40.94 Lakhs in 2008 election to Rs 36.82 Lakhs in 2013) of from Hatpipliya constituency. Balkrishna Patidar from Khargone constituency has shown 9% reduction in his assets (from Rs 3.84 Crores in 2008 election to Rs 3.51 Crores in 2013) while assets of Jagannath Singh from Chitrang constituency declined by 8% (from Rs 68.12 Lakhs in 2008 election to Rs 62.56 Lakhs in 2013).

Association for Democratic Reforms
“Kiwanis Centre”, 4th Floor,
B-35, Qutub Institutional Area
(Near Rockland Hospital)
New Delhi-110 016
M: +91 8010394248 
T: +91 11 41654200/01/02/03
F: 011 4609 4248


“International Conference of Jurists” on 30.11.2013 and 1.12.2013, New Delhi,

“International Conference of Jurists” on 30.11.2013 and 1.12.2013, New Delhi, India as Distinguished Guest and to present paper.
Dear friend,

I am delighted to invite you as Distinguished Guest to the International Conference of Jurists on November 30, 2013 and December 1, 2013 at Vigyan Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi (India) which is being jointly organized by the International Council of Jurists, All India Bar Association and Indian Council of Jurists.  

As usual, this 2-day Conference is expected to be attended by Hon’ble Chief Justices, Chief Ministers, Diplomats, Ministers, Judges, Bureaucrats, Social activists, Bar leaders, Law teachers, Journalists and Law students from different parts of the world.

On 30.11.2013, we have following sessions on : (a) Inaugural Session 1000 – 1230 hrs; Plenary Hall (1) Development of Efficient Agricultural Marketing System (co-organised by Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board) 1245 – 1355 hrs; Hall 4  (2) Human Rights and Terrorism; 1245 – 1355 hrs; Hall 3; Lunch 1355 – 1440; (3) Relationship Between Judiciary, Legislature and Executive; 1440 – 1550 hrs; Hall 4 (4) Competition Law : Challenges and Developments; 1440 – 1550 hrs; Hall 3 (5) International Law to Eradicate Human Trafficking; 1550 – 1700 hrs; Hall 4 (6) Judicial Reform in Developing Countries; 1550 – 1700 hrs; Hall 3 (7) Police Reforms; 1700 – 1810 hrs; Hall 4 (8) International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation; 1700 – 1810 hrs; Hall 3 (9) Freedom of Press; 1810 – 1920 hrs; Hall 4 (10) World Class Education – Issues and Challenges; 1810 – 1920 hrs; Hall 3; Dinner : 1920 – 2020 hrs.

We have the following sessions on 1.12.2013: (11) Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights; 1030 – 1145 hrs; Hall 4 (12) Modules for Strengthening Corporate Governance; 1145 – 1300 hrs; Hall 4; Lunch 1300 -1345 (13) Banking and Insurance Laws; 1345 – 1500 hrs; Hall 4 (14) Valedictory Function; 1500 – 1615 hrs; Hall 4; High Tea : 1615 – 1700 hrs.  

I request you to spare your valuable time to attend this conference as our Distinguished Guest and to present a paper in one of the working session. Please note that as our Distinguished Guest, you are not required to pay any delegate fees.

I am sending herewith E-Invitation Card, Parking Sticker. Kindly take out print of email, E-Invitation Card and bring the same alongwith your Photo Identity Card for the purpose of entry. Kindly take out print of Parking Sticker and paste it on front screen of your car.

With regards,
Dr. Adish C. Aggarwala, Senior Advocate
President, International Council of Jurists (www.internationaljurists.org)
Chairman, All India Bar Association (www.allindiabar.org)
Chairman, India Legal Information Institute (www.indlii.org)
Special Counsel for Government of India (www.lawmin.nic.in)


Building a Social Resume

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Co-operative Housing Society Issues: Your Rights & Remedies

Co-operative Housing Society Issues:
Your Rights & Remedies
Advocate Vinod Sampat, an expert in CHS matters, in association
with Moneylife Foundation, will decode Co-operative Housing Society issues, Member’s Rights & Remedies available for them
About the Speaker: Advocate Vinod Sampat is a practising lawyer for past 28 years. He graduated from Podar College in 1980 and did his LLB from Siddharth College. He has authored many articles on property-related matters and written 46 books on cooperative societies, transfer of flats, recovery of dues, registration and stamp duty matters. He has been an Hon. Patron member of the Estate Agents Association of India. He is also the Hon. Advisor of the Federation of Accommodation Industry of India and is an advisor to the Maharashtra Chamber of Housing Industry as well as the Federation of Accomodation Industry in India, apart from being part of many committees and winning several honours.
He was amongst the first persons to oppose the compulsory registration of flats being introduced by the co-operative department. He had pointed out many irregularities in the Bombay Stamp Act 1958, and authorities have recitified some of them.
Registration: 2.30pm
Session Time: 3pm – 5pm
Saturday, 23 November 2013
But prior registration is a must.
Contact: Charmine / Joscelyn
at 022-49205000 or email us at foundation@moneylife.in
Log on to foundation.moneylife.in
Venue: The Anchorage, Royal Bombay Yacht Club,
Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Marg, Apollo Bunder, Mumbai – 400 001


GM Corporation Bank ATM,statement after attack on a lady at Bangalore

                                              November 20, 2013

  With regard to the attack on a lady at Bangalore on 19th November at Corporation Bank ATM, The General Manager in-charge of Bangalore of the Bank would like to state as follows.

2]         The Bank has provided security measures of CCTV to all its ATMs. Immediately after   knowing incident the Bank officials rushed to the spot and CCTV report was made available to the police and the media. We are sure with this CCTV report the culprit will be traced out shortly by the authority. We are co-operating and providing information to the authority as and when they call for.

3]         Incidentally the victim happened to be our own employee. Our Bank officials immediately came into action and extended all support and medical attention to the victim. She was immediately admitted to a well equipped Hospital in the city.

4]         We are constantly in touch with the victim, her family members, and also the Doctors treating her. Our senior officials including me are frequently visiting her in the Hospital to ensure care and all help.

5]         Bank is ensuring all measures for ATM security. In the light of this incident we will further strengthen the security and take appropriate steps required in this direction.

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