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Delhi Government order filing of FIR against Murli Deora, Veerappa Moily, V K Sibal, Mukesh Ambani, RIL & others.

Acting on a joint complaint by TSR Subramanian, ES Sharma, Admiral Tahiliani and Kamini Jaiswal, Delhi government has ordered filing of FIR against Murli Deora, Veerappa Moily, V K Sibal, Mukesh Ambani, RIL and others.
The case pertains to overpricing and underproduction of gas by RIL. RIL had done a 17 year contract with NTPC according to which it was supposed to supply gas at lower than $1 per unit.
However, the price wad first increased to $2.34 per unit and then the production was only 18% of the estimated production, thus forcing the government to import gas which in turn increased the price of essential commodities.
Now, from April 1, the price of gas is to be increased to $8 per unit while its partner Niko is still supplying gas to Bangladesh at $2.34 per unit. If the gas price rises, prices of CNG, electricity, fertilizers, etc will go up thus increasing overall commodity prices.
Now Delhi government has asked the ACB to file a FIR in the case and investigate the matter. The Delhi government has every right to investigate the matter as it comes under the concurrent jurisdiction of ACB and CBI.

Register FIR Against Mukesh Ambani, Directors of RIL

11022014 Register FIR Against Mukesh Ambani, Directors of RIL
February11, 2014 AN Two
Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,
Honorable Chief Minister,
Delhi State Government
New Delhi 110002
Dear Sir,
You need STRAGEDY than Politics to Convict Criminal Minds.
Al Capone the notorious gangster was finally convicted on charges of
Tax Frauds.
Here I had devised a similar STRATEGY – RIL hired most expensive Rigs
at Exorbitant Days to PAD Capitalization – this is enough to put him
jail for 5-7 years in jail.
Thank you,
Ravinder Singh,
Convener, Mentor & CEO
Ph: 9650421857, 9718280435
PIL to Register FIR Against Mukesh Ambani, RIL
November29, 2011
Honorable Chief Justice of India,
Supreme Court of India.
Petrobras Contracted 24 Rigs for $2b for 5 Years
Average Day Rate
Perobras $0.114m, ONGC $0.140m and RIL $0.509m
Prayer – Please direct CBI to Register FIR and investigate Over
Charging Day Rate at $0.509m by RIL when Petrobras Charged $0.114m and
ONGC $0.140m. Full details are with CBI for two years but is waiting
for directions from CBI to Order CBI to Register FIR against RIL &
Muesh Ambani.
When average day rate per rig paid by
Petrobras was 0.114m,
ONGC $0.140m
but RIL Paid $0.509m clearly pointing to Mega Scam.
The package deal included 5-year contracts and has a total of nearly
US$ 2 billion. It is believed to be the largest deal of this kind for
the offshore sector and it has certainly been financially beneficial
for Brazil’s national oil company. While some rigs are going for as
high as US$ 405,000 per day, the highest rate Petrobras paid was US$
254,000 per day. Indeed, only two of the rigs chartered by Petrobras –
Noble’s deepwater semis Paul Wolf and Dave Beard – surpassed US$
200,000 per day, well below going dayrates elsewhere.
Of the 24 rigs secured by Petrobras, 17 are semis and 7 are
drillships, with their water depth drilling capacity ranging from 600
m to 3,000 m, although only 6 have capacity beyond 2,000 m. Many
contracts were simply rolled over, but there were new contracts too.
The companies involved in the deal were recognizable international
names such as Transocean, Pride, Noble and Diamond, as well as
national companies such as Queiroz Galvão and Schahin Oil & Gas.
14 companies, including Petrobras, are active in the Santos Basin.
Petrobras’ concession spans more than 40,000 sq km and includes 10
exclusive exploratory blocks and 19 blocks held in partnership. Of
that 19, 13 are operated by Petrobras. The remaining 13 companies hold
20 exploratory blocks spanning some 13,000 sq km.
“13 companies hold 20 exploratory blocks spanning some 13,000 sq km.”
Brazil leased 13,000 sq.km to 13 companies but GOI allotted 25 huge
blocks (270,000 sq.m) to RIL between 1999-2001.
Yet RIL hired 1 or 2 rigs paid four times (4X) the average day rate by
Petrobras and 3.5 times (3.5X) than average day rate of ONGC.
RIL in a Press Release claimed KG D6 discovery holds 40 times more
Natural Gas than ONGC but in spite of spending over $10b there is poor
supply of Natural Gas – production loss due to Hoarding along with
GSPC who backed down to let RIL monopolize Offshore – is $500b. This
too be investigated separately.
Thank you,
Ravinder Singh
Inventor & Consultant
Y-77, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi 110016
Annexure I
Reliance Day Rate $0.509m vs ONGC $0.140m
Reliance 25 Blocks Only 1/2 Drilling Rig, ONGC 8
Reliance Oct.17 2011
Rig Name    Water Depth    Drill Depth    Contract
Start    Contract
End    Dayrate Contract $    Dayrate
Previous $
Dhirubhai Deepwater  KG1    12,000 ft    35,000 ft    Aug-09    Aug-14    510,000    na
Dhirubhai Deepwater  KG2    12,000 ft    35,000 ft    Dec-11    Feb-15    510,000    558,000
Discoverer India    10,000 ft    40,000 ft    Mar-13    Feb-21    508,000    508,000
ONGC Oct.17  2011
Rig Name    Water Depth    Drill Depth    Contract
Start    Contract
End    Dayrate Contract $    Dayrate
Previous $
Discoverer Seven Seas    7,000 ft    25,000 ft    Jun-11    Oct-11    295,000    316,000
M.G. Hulme,    5,000 ft    25,000 ft    Sep-11    Sep-12    242,000    na
Actinia    1,500 ft    25,000 ft    May-12    May-15    190,000    222,000
C.E. Thornton    300 ft    25,000 ft    Oct-08    Oct-11    124,000    45,000
J.T. Angel    300 ft    25,000 ft    May-10    May-13    65,000    na
Ron Tappmeyer    300 ft    25,000 ft    Jun-10    Jun-13    65,000    64,000
Trident II    300 ft    25,000 ft    Mar-10    Apr-15    78,000    140,000
Trident XII    300 ft    25,000 ft    May-10    May-13    65,000    140,000
Reliance April 2010
Rig Name    Water Depth    Drill Depth    Contract
Start    Contract
End    Dayrate Contract $    Dayrate
Previous $
Dhirubhai Deepwater  KG1    12,000 ft    35,000 ft    Aug-09    Aug-14    510,000    na
Dhirubhai Deepwater  KG2    12,000 ft    35,000 ft    Mar-10    Feb-15    510,000    na
Deepwater Frontier    10,000 ft    30,000 ft    Aug-08    Aug-11    477,000    320,000
Deepwater Expedition    10,000 ft    30,000 ft    Jul-08    Sep-10    375,000    320,000
Discoverer 534    7,000 ft    25,000 ft    Dec-07    Jul-10    250,000    245,000
ONGC April 2010
Rig Name    Water Depth    Drill Depth    Contract
Start    Contract
End    Dayrate Contract $    Dayrate
Previous $
Discoverer Seven Seas    7,000 ft    25,000 ft    Jul-08    Jul-11    316,000    292,000
C.E. Thornton    300 ft    25,000 ft    Oct-08    Oct-11    130,000    45,000
F.G. McClintock    300 ft    25,000 ft    Oct-08    Oct-11    145,000    50,000
Randolph Yost    300 ft    25,000 ft    Jan-10    Apr-10    77,000    148,000
Ron Tappmeyer    300 ft    25,000 ft    Feb-07    Apr-10    77,000    148,000
Trident II    300 ft    25,000 ft    Mar-10    Mar-15    78,000    140,000
Trident XII    300 ft    25,000 ft    Jan-10    Apr-10    77,000    140,000
Annexure II
25/70 NELP Blocks to RIL in NELP-I, NELP-II, NELP-III
Collaborators; NICO, HEPI & HARDY
Details of 12/24 blocks awarded to RIL-Niko under NELP-I
S.No.    Block Name    Basin/State    Area(Sq.Km.)
2.    KG-DWN-98/1    Krishna- Godawari Deep Water offshore    10810
4.    KG-DWN-98/3    Krishna- Godawari Deep Water offshore    7645
7.    MN-DWN-98/2    Mahanadi Deep Water offshore    9605
11.    GK-OSN-97/1    Gujarat-Kutch Shallow Water offshore    1465
13.    KG-OSN-97/2    Krishna -Godawari Shallow Water offshore    4790
14.    KG-OSN-97/3    Krishna -Godawari Shallow Water offshore    2460
15.    KG-OSN-97/4    Krishna -Godawari Shallow Water offshore    4020
16.    KK-OSN-97/2    Kerala-Konkan Shallow Water offshore    19450
18.    MB-OSN-97/2    Mumbai Shallow Water offshore    5270
19.    MB-OSN-97/3    Mumbai Shallow Water offshore    5740
23.    NEC-OSN-97/2    North-East Coast Shallow Water offshore    14535
24.    SR-OSN-97/1    Saurashtra Shallow Water offshore    5040
Details of 4/23 blocks awarded to RIL-HEPI under NELP-II
S.No.    Block Name    Basin/State    Area (Sq. Km.)
7    AS-ONN-2000/1    Assam    6,215
8    GS-OSN-2000/1    Gujarat-Saurashtra Offshore    8,841
20    KK-DWN-2000/1    Kerala-Konkan Deepwater    18,113
22    KK-DWN-2000/3    Kerala-Konkan Deepwater    14,889
Details of 9/23 blocks awarded to RIL-HARDY under NELP-III
S.No.    Block Name    Basin/State    Area (Sq. Km.)
1    KK-DWN-2001/1    Kerala-Konkan Deepwater    27315
2    KK-DWN-2001/2    Kerala-Konkan Deepwater    31515
5    CY-DWN-2001/2    Cauvery Deepwater    14325
6    CY-PR-DWN-2001/3    Cauvery-Palar Deepwater    8600
7    CY-PR-DWN-2001/4    Cauvery-Palar Deepwater    10590
8    PR-DWN-2001/1    Palar Deepwater    8255
9    KG-DWN-2001/1    Krishna-Godavari Deepwater    11605
13    KG-OSN-2001/1    Krishna-Godavari Offshore    1100
14    KG-OSN-2001/2    Krishna-Godavari Offshore    210
Arvind Kejriwals FAKE FIRs –CAG – RIL Drilling ONGC GSPC Blocks
February11, 2014 AN Arvind Kejriwal has responded after 15 months to my EXPOSURE that RIL
was Drilling in ONGC and Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Blocks.
RIL hired Rigs that could penetrate 45000 feet or 15000 yards or well
over 12 kilometers and reach ONGC Blocks in the process Damaged Oil &
Gas blocks and caused many $Trillion Loss.
Oil & Gas blocks to RIL were allotted by RAM NAIK, Narendra Modi
Connived With RIL in not objecting to extracting Gas from GSPC blocks.
All the Documents were submitted by me to CBI first in 2009 and later
CAG also has same details.
Some important pdfs are attached for Arvind Kejriwal.
Ravinder Singh,
Convener, Mentor & CEO
Ph: 9650421857, 9718280435
CAG – Ambani Extracting Gas from ONGC and GujaratSPC Discoveries
October31, 2012
It is disappointing Arvind Kejriwal deliberately making weak
allegations against Ambani and BJP. Arvind Kejriwal didn’t demand
Cancellation of 88 of 90 Exploration Licenses to RIL and GSPC. In fact
GSPC of Narendra Modi was Completely Blacked Out Mysteriously that had
failed to commercialize a single block since 1999 allocations of
It is also a mystery – BJP government allocated over 100 blocks but
didn’t award any ‘Common Gas & Oil Pipelines’ – and eventually RIL was
also allowed to Monopolize Gas Pipeline also – RIL gave the contract
to a Chinese Company in 2007 – RIL didn’t have skills to lay even
Actually in aid of RIL – GSPC didn’t commence ‘Commercialization of
Deen Dyal Discovery of 2005 until recently.’ – Giving Mukesh Ambani
Monopoly in Oil Exploration.
Firstly BJP allowed RIL then owning 12% equity to 54% and Indian
Public was practically excluded from shareholding therefore ‘GOI and
Indian Public had no control over RIL Operations – virtually a private
Corruption in Oil & Gas by RIL was ‘Mother of All Frauds’ – Coal, Iron
Ore, Highways, Power Plants, BALCO, etc.
RIL owned 90% – Foreign Collaborator 10% No Indian Public Equity.
CAG – RIL Drilling in ONGC and GSPC Discoveries
CAG reports of March2012 ‘Clipping of 4 Pages’ attached clearly states
RIL is drilling in ONGC block directly and GSPC blocks indirectly has
production platform in GSPC block that enables Deep Drilling to
extract all the gas in Deen Dyal Block.
October31, 2002
‘Reliance’s gas reserves in its exploratory block KGDN-6, off
Vishakapatnam, are to the tune of 40-50 million cubic metres per day
and are expected to go up to 100 cubic metres of gas over a 10-year
Reliance’s gas reserves are expected to feed the gas-starved country
for almost a century. The firm will have to invest more than Rs 7,000
crore (Rs 70 billion) in extracting gas from the Krishna-Godavari
basin. — Though Reliance has a 10-year plan for the gas reservoir,
the entire execution and
commercial production is being chalked out in such a manner that it
can commence production in two and a half years.’
    Cost Rs.7000 crores.
    Gas to be produced in 30 months.
    Gas Production to go up to 100 MSCM that is reduced to 20 MSCM.
    Reserves was to last 100 years.
90 Blocks to RIL – When Didn’t Deserve Even a 100 Sq.Mt Block Each.
RIL and GSPC were allowed 25 Blocks and 65 Blocks had no drilling rigs
and had no expertise at all.
RIL changed three ‘10% Partners all Very Small Operators’ in three
years – 1999 – RIL partnered with NIKO, 2000 partnered with HEPI and
2001 with HARDY.
    BP came only recently.
This in itself shows RIL partnered with small time drillers just to
qualify for Acquiring 25 Oil & Gas blocks.
RIL reported discovery of Gas in KG Basin in 2001 end when Dhirubhai
was alive and above Press Release was made after due ‘Confirmation of
Reserves By International Experts.’
RIL 30 Million Tone Refineries – Indian Selling RIL Products.
BJP made another starling ‘Never In The World Before Favor’ directed
to ‘Market RIL Refinery Products Through PSU Gas Stations we call
petrol pump.’
Mukesh Ambani cheated Anil Ambani after the death of Dhirubhai Ambani.
All cash cows were Taken Over By Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani was
left with Power and Telecom sector both ‘Intensely Competitive.’ RIL
is consolation entered in to Contract with Anil Ambani to supply gas
to 10,000MW power plant for about 20 years and with NTPC also both at
$2.34 per mmbtu.
Instead of developing Gas Reserves – RIL preferred another Gas
Refinery for Exports.
It was only in 2006 – five years after RIL concluded Highly Inflated Cost.
Petrobras of Brazil executed P-56 and P-52 blocks at under $1b with
much larger, deeper, more wells and farther from shore blocks but RIL
capitalized over $9b.
‘The main construction contract for P-52 was signed in December 2003
The work commenced in May 2004, and the Platform hull arrived in
Brazil in March 2006, to be integrated to the modules as of July 2006.
The total construction period was 26 months.’
Petrobras $400m for 24 Rigs – RIL 2 Rigs for $400m
‘The package deal included 5-year contracts and has a total of nearly
US$ 2 billion. It is believed to be the largest deal of this kind for
the offshore sector and it has certainly been financially beneficial
for Brazil’s national oil company. — Of the 24 rigs secured by
Petrobras, 17 are semis and 7 are drillships, with their’
When Petrobras hired 24 Rigs for $400m annually RIL hired two most
powerful Rigs at $0.550m per day or $200m each.
‘This was Grand Conspiracy – These to Rigs could reach 14 kilometers’
required to extract Oil & Gas from ONGC and GSPC discoveries.
Estimated Oil Equivalent Production Loss of around 100 million tones
at $100 per barrel is over $60b per year – Crude Oil require Refining
and loss of volume – so the annual loss comes to around $100b that for
6 years for RIL 2006 and 4 years for GSPC is $500b to $700b Economic
Loss to India.
Complaint is pending with CBI for 3 years.
Ravinder Singh
October31, 2012
The Delhi government has also urged the central government and its ministers to cooperate with investigations and halt the price rise as matter is under investigation.

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