Help grow the movement for rights of women and girls to decide
I decide campaign
Naresh Sagar
Today at 2:41 PM
Dear Naresh,
Thank you for joining the 'I decide' campaign by signing the petition on the Change website a few weeks ago.
Adding your voice will help ensure that women and girls around the world need not suffer the shocking consequences of unsafe abortion, life-threatening complications in pregnancy or loss of a child due to lack of basic care and rights.
We already have over 50,000 signatures and the movement is growing by the day. The more signatures we can get, the more likely world leaders are to listen to our demands.
Please share this petition with your friends and family - we've created a campaign on Thunderclap which enables you to share the 'I decide' petition on social media at the same time with the thousands of other people who have joined the movement.
Join our Thunderclap now: By joining this Thunderclap your social media profile(s) will automatically share the petition far and wide on 22nd September at 10 am New York time. Not only will you be promoting the 'I decide' campaign, you will also join the chorus of people demanding that women, girls and men are able to decide the size of their family and with whom they live.