NMML Public Lecture_ Prof. David Engerman _13th October, 2014
The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
cordially invites you to a Public Lecture
(in the ‘India and the wider World’ series)
at 3.00 pm on Monday, 13th October, 2014
in the Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building
‘’’Competitive Co-existence’’ and the Nehruvian Economy’
Prof. David Engerman,
Brandeis University,
‘’’Competitive Coexistence’’ and the Nehruvian Economy’ analyzes some of the major foreign-sponsored projects at the high point of Nehruvian planning - the Second and Third Five-Year Plans. Drawing on archival documents from India, Russia, and the United States, it examines the common ground as well as the tensions between Indian and foreign officials. The material suggests that divergent visions of India's economic future (and indeed its present) shaped some of the Indian enterprises emerging in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Prof. David C. Engerman is Ottilie Springer Professor of History and Chair of the History Department at Brandeis University, USA where he has taught since receiving his Ph.D from the University of California-Berkeley. His first two books (Modernization from the Other Shore and Know Your Enemy) examined Russia in American intellectual life. This talk comes from his current project, ’’Planning for Plenty: India in the Economic Cold War,’’ which is funded by the American Institute of Indian Studies; the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.