AAP Mahar ashtr a conde mns the highl y immor al and illeg al way in which the BJP Govt prove d its major ity in the Assem bly
From: AAPMaharashtra News <News@AAPMaharashtra.org> Wed, 12 Nov '14 8:48p
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12th November, 2014
Aam Aadmi Party Maharashtra strongly condemns the highly immoral manner in which the BJP Govt in Maharashtra proved it’s majority on the floor of the Vidhan Sabha.This is a gross violation of the first principles of parliamentary democracy.A vote of confidence involves the unambiguous recording of division of votes in order to secure the trust of the people of the state.By not doing so,the BJP in connivance with the speaker of the house has made great travesty of democracy.The people need to be convinced beyond doubt that their Govt is in absolute majority.The electorate has a right to know whether their elected representative has voted for or against the Govt and a division of votes is necessary for the same.
It must be noted that as per parliamentary procedure,the Speaker has no choice but to concede to a division of votes should it be sought even by a single legislator and can only be waived by absolute unanimous consensus of all legislators of the house.The Speaker is constitutionally mandated to be neutral but by taking sides,the newly elected Speaker-Haribhau Bhagde has shown utter disregard for the Constitution of India.Moreover,in the pandemonium of a voice vote with 140 odd people on both sides,it is impossible to precisely ascertain which side has clear majority and hence the Speaker’s decision to go with a voice vote and not concede to demands of a Vote Division is shocking.
PM Modi had himself referred to the ‘NCP’ as the ‘Naturally Corrupt Party’ while campaigning in Maharashtra and CM Devendra Fadnavis had categorically stated that there is no question of a partnership with the NCP.Despite such vociferous declarations,today’s act of forming a Govt with the tacit support of the NCP is the epitome of political hypocrisy.
The AAP has in the past exposed the unholy nexus between top BJP and NCP Leaders who have been benefeciaries of the humongous irrigation scam.Today’s events have only strengthened the beliefand perception that BJP’s Anti-Corruption Stand is mere lip service and grossly insincere.This has set a dangerous precedent for our democracy and the BJP has further lowered the standard of politics in this country.