HRD minis try is lying on IIT Delhi direc tor's resig natio n
From: Media Cell AAP <> Sun, 28 Dec '14 7:02p
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Sunday, December 28
The HRD ministry is misleading the country on the issue of the resignation of the director of IIT Delhi.
It is extremely shocking that the BJP central government’s unjustified political interference is trampling the autonomy of the top institutions for professional and technical education.
The Aam Aadmi Party challenges the human resources development (HRD) minister to answer the following two questions :
1) Is it not a fact that she had recently summoned the IIT Delhi director ?2) Is it not a fact that impolite language was used against such a senior professor and is it also not fact that he was humiliated in that meeting ?
The BJP’s central government has wreaked havoc in the institutions of excellence in the country during last seven months. Ranging from the removal of the Chief Vigilance Officer of AIIMS to the shocking resignation of the IIT Delhi director, the entire government appears hell bent on imposing its dangerous agenda on the nation.
The HRD ministry in particular, appears to have made it a habit to create a controversy on a weekly basis.
Beginning with its shoddy handling on the FYUP course in Delhi University to abrupt change in the third language in Kendriya Vidyalayas and the confusion on keeping Christmas day as a working day, the ministry has shown itself in a poor light on a regular basis.
The AAP is of the clear view that even in case there was any issue related to the functioning of IIT Delhi, the HRD ministry had no right to interfere in the functioning of this autonomous institution and the matter should have been referred to its board of governors.
The AAP will strongly oppose any attempts to undermine the autonomy of institutions of higher, professional and technical education for political purposes. (ENDS)
AAP Media Cell