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Lahore HC to start proceedings case of Nawaz Sharif foreign assets

Lahore High Court on Wednesday formed a larger bench to hear a 24-year-old case accusing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of amassing foreign assets by plundering the national exchequer and illegally allotting government land.
Chief Justice LHC Justice Manzoor Ahmad Malik notified the five-member bench, comprising Justice Muhammad Qasim Khan, Justice Ayesha A Malik, Justice Faisal Zaman, Justice Mirza Waqas Raoof and headed by Justice Farrukh Irfan Khan.
The case was originally filed in 1991 by Barrister Javed Iqbal Jafri who alleges that then-prime minister Sharif laundered money out of Pakistan after using his influence to illegally allot government land and plunder the national exchequer.
The larger bench will start proceedings into the case on Friday (May 8).

आम आदमी पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक अरविंद केजरीवाल का वक्तव्य

From: Media Cell AAP <mediacellaap@gmail.com> Tue, 5 May ’15 8:13p
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दिल्ली की जनता ने आम आदमी पार्टी को भारी बहुमत देकर जिताया लेकिन जब से जीते हैं तब से मीडिया का
एक तबका आम आदमी पार्टी और उसकी सरकार को बदनाम और बर्बाद करने के लिए 24 घंटे लगा हैI अभी तक
हमलोग अपनी सफाई देते रहे I
पर कल मीडिया ने कुमार विश्वास के साथ जो कुछ किया वो बहुत ही घिनौना हैI कुमार पर आरोप लगाया जा रहा
है कि उनके अवैध संबंध हैंI कुमार का खुद का कहना है कि उनका किसी के साथ कोई अवैध संबंध नहीं है, उस
लड़की का भी कहना है कि कुमार के साथ कोई संबंध नहीं है। लेकिन फिर भी कुछ टीवी चैनल चला रहे हैं कि
“अवैध संबंधों के घेरे में कुमार विश्वास” या “विश्वास लीला” इत्यादि। जाहिर है कि ये सब झूठी और मनगढ़ंत
कहानियां हैंI कुमार का पूरा परिवार डिप्रेशन में हैI कुछ टीवी चैनलों ने तो कुमार की पत्नी पर भी छींटाकशी की I
आज कुमार की बेटी जब स्कूल गई तो उसके दोस्तों ने दस तरह के प्रश्न कियेI क्या यही पत्रकारिता है? क्या यही
राजनीति है?
राजनीतिक पार्टियों और मीडिया चैनलों की हम से दुश्मनी है, आप हमसे लड़ियेI पर लडाई के भी कुछ नियम होते
हैंI कम से कम हमारे परिवारों को तो बक्श दीजियेI
अभी तक हम लोग हर बात की सफाई देते रहे, पर कुमार के प्रकरण ने हम सब लोगों को इतना आहत किया है
कि हमारी पार्टी ने यह तय किया है कि अब हमें कुछ समय के लिए बिलकुल चुप हो जाना चाहिएI जिन मीडिया
वालों को हमें बदनाम करना है वे एकतरफा मनगढ़ंत कहानियां चलाते रहेंI अगर हमारी सरकार से संबंधित अथवा
हमारे काम से संबंधित कोई प्रश्न है तो हम उसका जवाब देने के लिए तैयार रहेंगे अन्यथा हम चुप रहेंगेI
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UN Women announces bold commitments to gender equality from 10 partners across the world —

UN Women announces bold commitments to gender equality from 10 partners across the world

Five global companies and five universities announce their commitments as HeForShe IMPACT Champions
(New York, 5 May) — UN Women’s HeForShe campaign today announced 10 bold commitments from its IMPACT Champions, demonstrating strong leadership to advance women’s rights and empowerment.The HeForShe IMPACT 10X10X10 is an initiative that aims to engage an initial 10 governments, corporations and universities around the world in activities to achieve gender equality. The initiative prioritizes legislative bodies and corporations in view of the gender inequality that exists in these areas, confirmed by findings from the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2014. The report highlights a large current gap between men and women in terms of political engagement and opportunity and little improvement in equality for women in the workplace since 2006. Universities join the impact trio because youth engagement represents one of the greatest opportunities for accelerating progress toward the achievement of gender equality, and for ending violence against women.
Earlier this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, UN Women unveiled the pilot IMPACT 10x10x10 initiative with six inaugural partners — Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands; President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone; Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén of Sweden; Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever; Rick Goings, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tupperware Brands Corporation; and Dennis Nally, Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd.
“If we are to achieve gender equality in our lifetime, we need creative approaches that target the biggest barriers. IMPACT 10x10x10 brings together the strength of partners across sectors to crack some of those barriers from within,” stated Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director and United Nations Under-Secretary-General. “Our pilot IMPACT Champions have taken ownership of these issues. Their leadership and ideas will pave the way for others to join in.”
Since January, leaders from around the world have made personal and institutional commitments to the advancement and achievement of gender equality.
The CEOs and Chair announcing their commitments today represent five industries and almost 800,000 employees in over 190 countries around the world. They include: Sébastien Bazin, Chair & CEO, Accor; Rick Goings, Chair & CEO, Tupperware Brands; Mustafa Koç, Chair, Koç Holding; Dennis Nally, Chair, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd; Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever. This group provides the foundation for further expansion of the initiative to a broader range of companies, which can draw on the initial ideas to shape their own activities.
As part of the effort, each company has signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles, committing to implement Principle #7—Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality. In addition, each company has outlined commitments to address the core challenges and barriers in their industry, so as to accelerate progress towards equality. Corporate champions have also made commitments within their companies to boost efforts towards closing the pay gap, reaching parity in management, and mandating gender sensitivity training. Some commitments even go beyond direct staff, including: expanding opportunities for women across the extended supply chain, reaching parity in factory operations, and empowering men as change agents in local communities.
Today, UN Women’s HeForShe initiative also announced five university Champions, representing over 150,000 students on four continents, including: Vice-Chancellor Paul Boyle of the University of Leicester; Vice-Chancellor and Principal Adam Habib of the University of the Witwatersrand; President and Vice-Chancellor Feridun Hamdullahpur of the University of Waterloo; President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Mathieson of the University of Hong Kong; President Seiichi Matsuo of Nagoya University.
The Champion universities have made concrete commitments including: advancing women in academia, addressing campus violence, building gender-sensitive campuses, and tackling pervasive biases towards women and men. Their specific commitments can be found athttp://www.heforshe.org/impact
The companies and universities engaged in 10x10x10 were selected based on their reputation for strong ethical practices, their demonstrated excellence in public service, their global reach and relevance, and their willingness to use their influence to drive and inspire change.
Since the September 2015 launch of HeForShe by actor Emma Watsonin her capacity as UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, men and boys around the world have committed to take action for gender equality. Nearly 300,000 men and boys have made their commitment to gender equality through the “HeForShe Commitments API” (a geo-located website app allowing men to register and visualize the real-time number of men activated on the map globally). In addition, HeForShe has reached over 2 billion people on social media.
Quotes from Champions of the IMPACT 10X10X10 initiative:
Corporate Champions: (Alphabetized according to company name)
Sébastien Bazin, Chair and CEO, Accor: “As a father of two brilliant daughters, I am strongly convinced that women should be free to realize their career prospects and given the same opportunities as their male peers. I believe our society will immensely benefit from diversity in the workplace. It is up to all of us, men and women, to stand for gender equality. As the CEO of Accor, I have the capacity and the duty to push further for real change.”
Mustafa Koç, Chair, Koç Holding: “We are, at Koç Holding, proud to announce our commitment as an IMPACT 10x10x10 champion. We are launching programmes within and beyond Koç Holding, and are committed to using our influence beyond Koç as well. We invite our employees and men across Turkey to join us, taking action for gender equality.”
Dennis Nally, Chair, PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd: “Part of my personal leadership vision is to move the needle on gender equality. HeForShe at PwC will empower men to get involved in gender equality issues through education and practical action. By engaging our people, clients and communities in HeForShe, and collaborating with the 10x10x10 Heads of State, universities, and leading corporations, PwC will harness the immense power of our network to promote inclusion and foster greater equality.”
Rick Goings, Chair and CEO, Tupperware Brands: “Some things just cannot wait. Men must stand up now for women’s equality and make the necessary changes to ensure that all women experience growth and prosperity. Why am I a HeForShe Champion? Not just because I can’t wait … But because I will not wait! We are implementing an engagement strategy to instigate support from our nearly 3 million strong global salesforce and the men in the extended Tupperware Brands family including our board of directors to sign on to the HeForShe movement. We are also scaling our women’s social entrepreneurship programme, Global Links, and partnering with Georgetown University on cutting-edge research on women’s economic empowerment and have committed 500K to UN Women’s gender fund.”
Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever: “I am delighted to be a HeForShe IMPACT Champion. I am personally passionate about this campaign, which is in line with Unilever’s ambition to empower 5 million women by 2020. As part of our commitment to HeForShe IMPACT, we are promoting women’s rights, embedding the Women’s Empowerment Principles and creating concrete initiatives with UN Women on gender equality, skills-building and job opportunities. I will continue to use my voice across the business to encourage our male employees, as well as sons, husbands, brothers and fathers to pledge their support and take action. Together we can accelerate progress towards achieving gender equality.”
University Champions: (Alphabetized according to university name)
Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor, the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): “I have been shocked by the male predominance in higher education, and even more concerned by the passive acceptance by many parties. I welcome the challenge of addressing this issue during my Presidency. I see participation in the 10x10x10 Campaign as an integral element of my efforts to promote equal opportunities in Hong Kong’s university sector, and hopefully in wider society.”
Paul Boyle, President and Vice-Chancellor, Leicester University (UK): “Men and women have a joint responsibility to achieve gender equality for societies around the world. We should aim to deliver fundamental change within a generation, so that [campaigns] such as HeForShe become redundant and my two daughters and two sons take it for granted that they will be judged on their merits, not their gender.”
Seiichi Matsuo, President, Nagoya University (Japan): “Gender equality is an absolute necessity for a free and vibrant academic culture. Nagoya University is committed to breaking gender barriers not only on campus but across academia. I am proud of what we have accomplished to date, and am personally committed to going further. I will provide unstinting support to women in our community, creating opportunities at Nagoya and inspiring broader change so that we can drive towards a gender-equal world.”
Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and Vice-Chancellor, the University of Waterloo (Canada): “University is about potential: unearthing it, enabling it and unleashing it. It’s about the potential of every human being to realize their talents and abilities and the potential for society to reimagine itself anew. Enabling all students, faculty and staff members to achieve their highest potential – and for historically under-represented members of our sector, especially women, to be fairly and justly represented across our entire sector, including in STEM fields – is critical to the fundamental idea of a university. It is also fundamental to universities’ long-term success, and to the quality and betterment of society.”
Adam Habib, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa): “South Africa’s legacy of gender discrimination and violence is a reality that we fight daily. It is a fight for every person who abhors the abuse of power and the trauma of violence. It is a fight to ensure that the role of men in ending gender-based harm is as active participants and not passive observers; it is to ensure that patriarchy and inequality are uprooted; and to ensure that those who benefit from inequitable hierarchies are an equal part of their deconstruction. It is a fight that universities generally, and Wits University specifically, must be part of.”
UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. For more information, visit www.unwomen.org. UN Women, 220 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, New York. Tel: +1 646 781-4400. Fax: +1 646 781-4496.
HeForShe is a solidarity movement that calls upon men and boys to stand up against the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally. The campaign strengthens the support for women’s rights as human rights by enlisting the support of men and exhorting them to put themselves forward as advocates for gender equality. For more information, visithttp://www.heforshe.org/. For more information about the specific commitments made, visithttp://www.heforshe.org/impact
The Women’s Empowerment Principles are a set of Principles for business offering guidance on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community. They are the result of a collaboration between the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compact and are adapted from the Calvert Women’s Principles®. For more information visithttp://weprinciples.org/
AirAsia joins Global Efforts in Aid of Nepal with #ToNepalwithLove Campaign —

AirAsia joins Global Efforts in Aid of Nepal with #ToNepalwithLove Campaign

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 May 2015 – AirAsia Foundation today announced its second fund-raising drive this year to join global efforts in aid of Nepal after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake of Apr 25, 2015. The campaign, which will take place from May 6 to May 22, 2015, will see donation boxes made available on board AirAsia flights and hub airports, in addition to on-going flight sponsorships for medical and relief aid workers.

Other than on board collections, the public will also be able to donate via a dedicated donations website onairasiafoundation.com/relieffund.

AirAsia X Group CEO Datuk Kamarudin Meranun said, “In these times of need, we have to play our role by mobilising our network and resources as an airline that cares. This initiative will be kicked off first in Malaysia to be followed by Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and India.”

Funds raised from the campaign will fully benefit Open Learning Exchange Nepal (OLE Nepal), a Kathmandu-based non-government organisation with an established track record working with more than 140 primary schools in 30 districts across the country to address disparities in education access and quality.

Executive Director of OLE Nepal Rabi Karmacharya said, “As communities begin the rebuilding process, special attention must be paid to the welfare of thousands of vulnerable children who have been affected in more ways than one – especially those who are distressed, displaced and traumatised. With so many schools damaged by the earthquake, their repair and reconstruction must get high priority because schools give these children the opportunity to get back into normality.”

“Our priority is to ensure that children have a safe learning space that they can return to quickly, while also ensuring that they do not miss out on school during the rebuilding period,” he added.

Karmacharya said based on early assessments, 4,500 of the country’s 36 thousand schools have been affected by the earthquake with many schools located in difficult to access regions.

Funds raised by AirAsia Foundation will be used for rebuilding schools in Gorkha district, where about 90% of the schools have been affected. Children will also get the opportunity to engage in learning in temporary shelters using OLE Nepal’s innovative laptop-based program while their schools are repaired and reconstructed.

AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes said, “Nepal has one of the youngest populations in Asia. We believe it is important that rebuilding funds also go to supporting the work of strong local organisations that can make an effective impact. We hope this will play a role in helping affected communities rebuild their lives.”

Meanwhile, AirAsia continues to offer seats sponsorship for aid workers from accredited relief organisations to respond to Nepal’s call for international assistance. The free seats arrangement, which commenced after commercial flights resumed on Day 3 after the earthquake, will remain in place until May 10, 2015. Groups supported include the Malaysian Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association, Mercy Malaysia, Insaf Technical Relief Malaysia and Indonesia-based Humanitarian Assistance Network for Development (HAND International).

Established in 2007, OLE Nepal pioneered the integration of technology in classroom teaching-learning approach in Nepal. In partnership with Nepal’s Department of Education, OLE Nepal launched the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative in April 2008 with support from the Danish Government. The Programme was expanded in 2009 with additional support from the UN World Food Programme and Finnish Government. 

In 2012, OLE Nepal received a grant from AirAsia X to equip the Shree Chandi Devi primary school in Kathmandu valley with laptops, equipment and teachers’ training for a year. The programme was completed successfully in 2013.

The OLPC initiative came into being in 2005 as a non-profit project backed by some of the world’s largest technology companies to help children in developing countries bridge the digital divide. OLPC laptops are now used by students in more than 27 countries globally.

For future updates on the above initiatives, the public can log on to AirAsia Foundation’s Facebook (fb.com/AirAsiaFoundation) and microsite (airasiafoundation.com/relieffund).

The AirAsia Group is firmly committed to the philosophy that no corporation can live apart from the community it serves. As a truly Asean airline, we will always extend a helping hand to the communities we serve in their time of need. 

AirAsia was at the forefront of relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines (2013), Asian Tsunami (2004), Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (2008) and Typhoon Nesat in the Philippines (2011), including fund-raising initiatives in aid of rehabilitation efforts after the Sichuan earthquake (2008) and the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Fukushima, Japan (2011) and Malaysian floods (2015).

AirAsia has also supported the recovery of Bali, Indonesia, after the terrorist bombings in 2005, by giving away 12,000 free seats on its flights. It mounted rescue flights from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur in November 2008 to help people stranded by the closing of the airport in Bangkok.  Similar rescue efforts were extended in Padang and Jakarta in October 2009 to help those affected by the 7.6-magnitude earthquake that hit Sumatra Island.
Wider Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES)
A Multidisciplinary Academic Society, Registered under Societies Act xxi of 1860
A Symposium on
‘Impact of Indian Philosophy’
  Invited Speakers:
Dr. Yvette C. Rosser
Author and Philosopher, University of Texas, Austin, USA
– ‘How Ancient India’s Philosophies are Changing Modern America’s Psychology
: with reference to Nasadiya Sukta’
Prof. Sunita Singh Sengupta
Founder & Honorary Convener, ISOL Foundation
-‘Vedantic Foundations of Education as Envisaged by Swami Vivekananda’
Mukhya Atithi:
Prof. Bhu Dev Sharma
President, Manav Abhudaya Sansthan, Delhi
Saraswat Atithi:
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Shastri
Secretary, Delhi Sanskrit Academy, Delhi
Prof. Usha Choudhuri
Former Professor, Sanskrit, University of Delhi
You are requested to make it convenient to attend the program.
Date & Time:
Saturday, 9th May, 2015 ; From 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM
Seminar Room, Delhi Sanskrit Academy, Delhi Government,
Plot No.5, Jandewalan , Karol Bagh, Delhi-110005
Dr. Shashi Tiwari, Gen. Secretary, WAVES, 9810690322 (M)
Vikas Sharma  Jt. Secretary, ‘Tarun Tarang’ , 9910770082

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