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Nadia district gets UN PSA: ‘Improving the Delivery of Public Services’

‘Improving the Delivery of Public Services’

It is a matter of pride that our Nadia district has been declared as the First Place Winner for the 2015 United Nations Public Service Award in the category of ‘Improving the Delivery of Public Services’ for the initiative ‘Sabar Shouchagar’.
Nadia has become the winner of this global award from our entire country through a tough competition with multiple entries from 187 countries.
The Award will be handed over by the United Nations Secretary-General on 23rd June, 2015 in Medellin, Republic of Colombia.
While in the entire country, there is much fanfare about sanitation and the “Swachh Bharat” Mission, West Bengal silently and with determination, through its Mission Nirmal Bangla, has again demonstrated that it can and is delivering the development goals for the last four years.
I am overwhelmed to share this information with all of you.

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India and Japan sign five point action agenda to boost economic cooperation

A five-point action agenda has been signed in New Delhi between the Minister of Commerce and Industry of India and Japanese Minister of Trade to enhance economic cooperation with increased bilateral trade and investments between the two nations This agreement is synchronized with Make-in-India initiative launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

The five point agenda includes:

Ø      Development of Japanese industrial townships in selected cities of India.
Ø      Promotion of investments and infrastructure development.
Ø      Development and cooperation in the IT sector.
Ø      Enhancing cooperation in the strategic sectors.
Ø      Asia Pacific economic integration.

Japan has identified 11 sites to set up industrial townships in India . These include Tumkur in Karnataka, Ghilot in Rajasthan, Mandal in Gujarat , Supa in Maharshtra, Ponneri in Tamil Nadu, Neemrana in Rajasthan, Jhajjar in Haryana and the integrated township in Greater Noida.

Besides trade and investments, Japan will also provide soft skill training to Indian workers in the manufacturing sector. These sectors will include auto components to textiles, food processing and engineering.

This agreement is expected to be  a historic milestone in the economic ties between India and Japan .  
Frankfurt Book Fair. —

Frankfurt Book Fair.



Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 7 May 2015 07:10:22 UTC
  • 7 May 2015 17:10:22 near epicenter
  • 7 May 2015 11:10:22 standard time in your timezone
Location7.277S 154.534E
Depth22 km
  • 149 km (92 mi) SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea
  • 161 km (100 mi) SW of Arawa, Papua New Guinea
  • 409 km (254 mi) SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
  • 521 km (323 mi) ESE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
  • 642 km (398 mi) WNW of Honiara, Solomon Islands
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Gross Bank Credit grows at 8.6% in FY2015 as against 14% in FY2014

Gross bank credit grows at 8.6% in FY2015 as against 14% in FY2014. The growth of food credit stands at 8.9% in FY2015 as against (-) 3.6% in FY2014 and the non-food bank credit growth stands at 8.6% in FY2015 as against 14.3% in FY2014. The credit to NBFCs increased by 6.4% during FY2015 as compared with an increase of 13.2% during FY2014. Credit to agriculture and allied activities increased by 15% during FY2015, as compared with 13.5% increase during FY2014.

Monthly trend in growth of gross bank credit (%)                                                                                                 (YoY)
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   Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from RBI

Credit to industry increased by 5.6% during FY2015 down from an increase of 13.1% during FY2014. Deceleration in credit growth to industry was observed in all major sub-sectors, barring construction. Credit to the services sector increased by 5.6% during FY2015, lower than the increase of 16.1% during FY2014, with deceleration observed in all major sub-sectors. Personal loans increased by 15.4%during FY2015 as compared with increase of 15.5% during 2013-14.
  Deployment of Gross Bank Credit by major sectors                                                                                           (Rs. Billion)
(Y-O-Y growth)
(Y-O-Y growth)
Gross Bank Credit
Food Credit
Non-food Credit
Agriculture & Allied Activities
Industry (Micro & Small, Medium and Large)
Personal Loans
Priority Sector
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from RBI. Note: Data are provisional and relate to select banks which cover 95 per cent of total non-food credit extended by all scheduled commercial banks. * Data pertains as on 21st March 2014 , ** Data pertains as on 20th March 2015,
Kaif inspires Youth to commit and focus on cleanliness for fitness —

Kaif inspires Youth to commit and focus on cleanliness for fitness

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, May 7, 2015: Former India cricketer Mohammad
Kaif contributed to the cleanliness drive of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
after being nominated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Lending a
helping voice to this successful national cleanliness campaign today’s
event saw over three hundred school children join hands with Kaif to
raise awareness and clean the adjoining areas in and around the school
run by Om Foundation in Hoshiyarpur Village, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Mohammad Kaif interacted with the children and imparted insights on
the link of staying fit with cleanliness and hygiene. He urged the
children to maintain personal hygiene and maintain cleanliness in and
around their surroundings with a focus on clean Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene (WASH). He also shared his experience as an Indian cricketer
and gave cricketing tips to the children.  With the largest youth
population demographic in India, he sought commitment from the youth
to work towards a clean and fit future.
Speaking on the occasion, Kaif said, “Swachh Bharat is a great
initiative for the nation and I am honoured to be a part of this
campaign. As an athlete fitness is pivotal to my success and I believe
cleanliness and basic hygiene plays a crucial role. I would like to
help spread the message of cleanliness and hygiene for all and urge
everyone to keep their surroundings clean for a fit and healthy life.”
Mohammed Kaif also added that this is just a beginning and he wants to
expand this cleanliness drive in the days to come. He is committed
towards contributing to this mission and especially throught the youth
for how cleanliness and hygiene are closely linked to fitness, for our
Kaif nominated  personalities to take up this challenge to
add their voices for a Swachh Bharat through the youth of India. He
nominated  personalities from the Indian Cinema world Parineeti Chopra
and Sunidhi Chauhan.  From the Cricketing sphere he nominated
Gautam Gambhir, Bhuvaneshwar Kumar,  Ashish Nehra and Umesh Yadav.
He also nominated a shining star of Indian Hockey Danish Mujtaba and an 
NGO working in the space of WASH, Nutrition and Health. Indian wrestler, Geeta Phogat
was the ninth personality to be nominated by Kaif.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a national campaign of the Government of
India, with the objective to clean the streets, roads and
infrastructure of the country. This campaign aims to accomplish the
vision of a ‘Clean India’ by 2 October 2019, the 150th birthday of
Mahatma Gandhi
Test match, not T20 -: Rajiv Kumar in TOI —

Test match, not T20 -: Rajiv Kumar in TOI

Dear Mr. Sagar
Please click the link below to see my article “Test match, not T20″ that appeared in The Times of India on Thursday, 7th May 2015.
Your feedback will be appreciated.
Best/Warm regards
Rajiv Kumar 
Nevertheless, Arun Shourie’s criticism of the Modi government must be taken seriously
Arun Shourie’s candid criticism of the government has surprised us on several counts. He is known to have been personally close to Narendra Modi and among a few persons with direct access to him. For him to go public must have been a conscious and considered decision. The sour grapes explanation is bizzare.
Shourie’s dismissal of Arun Jaitley’s defence of the government that he and Arvind Subramaniam recently presented in Washington DC as mere ‘lawyerly talk’ is a stinging criticism and posits a strong counterpoint. The glass, according to Shourie is more than half empty.
Evidently, Shourie has given voice to a widespread sentiment, stated in hushed undertones in Delhi, Mumbai and even Washington that ground reality has not changed despite the rhetoric, promises and assertions. But there is a major difference between the general perception and its articulation by Shourie.
He has chosen to deny the benefit of the doubt to Modi and his government. This contrasts with the view of investors, both foreign and domestic, with whom i have interacted that while the going has certainly not matched up to sky-high expectations, there is evidence of not only major steps having been taken but also of work in progress in a range of ministries. Investors are prepared to cut more slack for Modi’s government.
Thankfully, Modi is not a follower of the Jeff Sachs’ approach towards reforms. Instead he follows the Chinese practice, best described as crossing the river by feeling the pebbles under one’s feet and changing course as and when needed. He is quintessentially a ‘project focussed leader’ with acute attention to implementation details.
He thinks he can afford to follow this incremental approach because his timeline for achieving a higher economic growth trajectory is four years and not the first 100 or 300 days as is fashionably touted by those who ape the practice in advanced economies. Modi sees his political cause as being best served if the Indian economy achieves double-digit growth by 2017-18 and stays there in the election year.
For the next two years, 2015-16 and 2016-17, 7% GDP growth would be acceptable to him provided the groundwork for further acceleration has been completed. This is the big picture, which Modi has chosen not to articulate. Modi sees himself in Delhi for the long haul and not a one term prime minister like Atal Bihari Vajpayee or Narasimha Rao, from whom he has learnt the relevant lessons. His is a test match to be won and not a T-20 that Shourie and others will like him to play.
Instead, he will continue to follow the sevenfold programme that is implicit in his campaign, which was characterised by Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. This essentially implies ensuring that large voter constituencies of the poor and marginalised, neo-middle class, small businessmen and farmers do not desert him.
His has to be an inclusive agenda to be achieved by, first, maintaining a stable macroeconomic environment through fiscal prudence and reining in inflationary expectations. Second, addressing the three perennial deficits of infrastructure, governance and education. Third, establishing an investor-friendly environment for both domestic and foreign investors. Fourth, levelling the playing field for medium, small and micro enterprises by dismantling the dysfunctional system of procedural clearances.
Fifth, improving the efficiency of public expenditure, specifically in the distribution of subsidies by moving to a system of direct cash transfers – certainly not dismantling the system of transfer payments that is needed in market based economy to take care of marginalised sections. Sixth, devolving a larger share of revenues to states to create greater fiscal autonomy. And finally, strengthening energy and food security by sharply increasing public investment in infrastructure and agriculture sectors.
Some of these measures like fiscal prudence, Jan Dhan Yojna, simplification of licensing practices have already been implemented. Others, as even Shourie admits, are works in progress. Despite these advances, fears persist that a historical opportunity is about to be missed. Modi would do well to direct the PMO, now grown to unprecedented proportions, to come up with a cogent response to this fear. Remaining in denial will harm the national cause.
I have a four-part answer for what it is worth. First, the direct tax administration has been allowed to be a law unto itself. Jaitley’s continued support of CBDT’s wayward ways is really quite incomprehensible. Second, and ironically, the government has chosen to be incommunicative about work in progress. In their attempt to distance themselves from businessmen and sundry experts like me, directed as i am told by the PMO, ministers and bureaucrats have not only stopped interacting with businessmen but gone completely into their shell. The occasional formal press conference cannot substitute for informal gup-shup, which unsurprisingly carries more credibility.
Third, the education deficit, instead of being reduced, has increased in this one year, thereby putting a huge question mark on Modi’s credibility to deliver on his promises. Finally, and this where Shourie is right on target, the government looks to be woefully short of required talent. I am told this is being rectified. The sooner it is done the better. Even test matches have been lost when team-spirit is lacking and the scoring rate is far too slow in the opening innings.
The writer is Senior Fellow at Centre for Policy Research and Founder Director of Pahle India Foundation


The new GAIL Corporate Office Building will be located at 16 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi (next to Hotel Hyatt Regency) on Ring Road. The construction work of the new office building is fast progressing.
Approval of the ministry of Urban Development for setting GAIL’s corporate office in Delhi was received in July, 1988. The pre-construction activities in terms of purchase of a plot of land at suitable location, appointment of architectural consultants and preparation of building plans including approval of the plans from the concerned authorities, invitation of tenders for the construction of the building and award of work, etc. were completed in a record time of about five months. The plot, measuring 1377.18 sq. meters, has been purchased from DDA. The possession of the plot was handed over by DDA to GAIL on December 12, 1988 and the foundation stone of the new Corporate Office building was laid by our chairman Shri. Vineet Nayyar on January 9, 1989. M/s. CP Kukreja and associates are the architectural consultants and the construction work is being executed by M/s. Bhayana Builders Pvt. Ltd.
The total project has been divided into four packages- namely, (i) Civil work including plumbing, electrical, sub-station equipment and fire-fighting, etc.; (ii) Air-conditioning and ventilation system;      (iii) Supply and erection of lifts; and (iv) Interior works including provision of furniture, etc. The work in respect of first three packages has already been awarded, and the tenders for the interior work are being finalized.
The building is designed to have 2 basements plus eight floors including lower and upper ground floors with a total plinth area of 12,069 sq. meters (1.30 lakh sq. ft.). The building structure covering 2 basements, lower and upper ground floors and Ist and IInd floors have been completed as per schedule. A tight completion schedule of eighteen months from the time construction commenced in January, 1989 has been fixed for the completion of the total building including commissioning of air-conditioning systems, lifts and interior work.
The employees are welcome to visit the sight and offer suggestions that may help in making a model office building. The suggestion may be sent to the Director (Personnel) or Sr. Manager (Civil), Corporate Office.
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India one of the bright spots in the global economy : IMF
According to International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recent publication of Regional Economic Outlook (REO) of Asia and Pacific, the outlook for the region remains favorable and is projected to remain the global growth leader over the medium term.

India’s growth outlook
Indian economy has made a remarkable turnaround in response to higher political certainty, improved business confidence and lower commodity prices; real GDP growth (on a 2011/12 National Accounts basis) is projected to rise to 7.2% in 2014-15, accelerating to 7.5% in 2015-16. Domestic and external vulnerabilities have moderated, the fiscal position has begun to improve, and a resumption of capital inflows has allowed a significant rise in foreign reserves. This confluence of achievements has made India one of the bright spots in the global economy.

India’s medium term outlook and policy recommendations
Although India ’s near-term outlook has improved, however, its medium-term prospects remain constrained by longstanding structural weaknesses. The report has enumerated the following policy recommendations :  
·         Measures are needed in the energy, mining, and power sectors.
·         Reforms to streamline and expedite land and environmental clearances, increase labor market flexibility, and simplify business procedures should continue to improve India ’s business climate, which is crucial for sustaining faster and more inclusive growth.
·         Durably meeting the inflation target calls for maintaining a tight monetary policy stance together with supporting structural reforms.
·         Fiscal consolidation should continue. A strengthened Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act is needed to underpin the government’s medium term consolidation path.
·         Enhancing financial sector supervision and monitoring is warranted given the rise in corporate and financial sector strains.

Regional outlook
According to the REO for Asia and the Pacific, growth in Asia and the Pacific will continue to outperform the rest of the world, and is expected to remain steady at 5.6% in 2015, slowing slightly to 5.5% in 2016. Growth will be driven by domestic demand, underpinned by healthy labor markets, low interest rates, and the recent fall in oil prices. The global recovery, while moderate and uneven, will continue to support Asia ’s exports.
·         Growth in China is projected to reduce to 6.8% in 2015 and to 6.3% in 2016 as the correction in the residential and related sectors continues to push the investments down.
·         The Japanese economy is expected to recover modestly under current policies. Growth is expected to increase up to about 1% in 2015 and 1.2% in 2016, marginally faster than potential, underpinned by recovery of private consumption and strengthening exports.
·         Within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), while Malaysia is expected to slow, the Philippines should witness an increase in growth. Overall, lower commodity prices are a net positive for Asia, although several commodity exporters ( Australia , Indonesia , Malaysia , and New Zealand ) will be adversely impacted.

Risk tilted to downside
The report states that the regional outlook could be vulnerable to adverse events, as outlined below:
·         The potential for slower-than-expected growth in China and Japan , could spill-over to the rest of the region through trade and financial channels.
·         Debt levels including foreign currency-denominated debt have increased rapidly in recent years, and Asia is now more vulnerable to financial market shocks, and persistent U.S. dollar strength, which would raise the cost of servicing debt, and could curtail demand.
·         The volatility in the value of the major reserve currencies could create an uncomfortable trade-off between financial stability and competitiveness.
Today at 6:46 PM
Wednesday 06 May 2015
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सूचना-प्रसारण मंत्री जेटली के घर कुछ संपादकों की हुई पीएम मोदी से डिनर पर मुलाकात
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Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi today attacked Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s government —

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